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10 Things Every Man Needs to Know Before Traveling Abroad

Most men have been on some sort of family vacation, but those don’t always count as a real trip. If you’re looking to get away and see the world for yourself, I’ve put together ten tips that will help every man be better prepared so he can travel with ease! I’ve traveled to many countries, and these tips have helped me immensely; I hope they can do the same for you.

Research the Place.

Traveling to a new place can be both exciting and intimidating. You never know what you are going to get yourself into if you don’t do your research!

Read blogs about other people’s experiences, check out different restaurant options on Yelp!, explore popular destinations online, or even watch travel videos to learn more before setting off for your trip. Knowing where you want to go ahead will help keep things organized once it comes time to pack.


This can be an excellent opportunity to find new places you never thought of going to before.

Don’t forget Google maps, either!

This can give an overview of how far everything is from each other if one day doesn’t cut it for all of the things on your list.

When you research ahead, you can find things that are more likely to suit your interests and make the most of every minute.

If all else fails, ask yourself what type of activities interest you.

Where could those take place in this city/country/place? What would be a good location for these types of activities? This isn’t foolproof, but it’s a great way to start exploring!

When you’re not sure where to go, it’s easy to get overwhelmed. Do some research ahead of time and pick a few places that you know will interest you so that your trip can be as successful as possible!

Dress Appropriately.

This one is a biggie. You want to look like you belong and that you respect the local customs, even if they are different from what you’re used to.

Depending on where you are traveling to, this will vary, but here are some general guidelines:

  • Dress modestly – no bare shoulders or knees! This applies to both men and women. Even in more liberal areas such as Europe, it can be offensive, so don’t go showing off your beach body! If anything, long pants/skirts and closed-toe shoes might keep people around you at ease since it shows that there isn’t an intention of impropriety (which would usually cause offense).
  • Don’t wear anything that will stand out! This is the opposite of what you may think. We tend to draw more attention when we try too hard to fit in, whether by dressing up or down. If you are going somewhere very conservative, like the Middle East, avoid things like a loud Hawaiian print shirt, a brightly colored button-up, or anything else that screams tourist. This will make you easier to spot and, therefore, more of a target for any kind of crime.
  • Think about how the locals dress on an average day and try your best to emulate them as closely as possible!
  • Try not to wear something with writing on it in a place that doesn’t speak your language. Even if you can read what it says, someone may be offended by this and won’t take the time to consider why you have something on yourself with strange writing on it. In some places wearing clothing like this is illegal, so even though you might get away with it at home, don’t try taking any chances while traveling! This applies mainly for religious reasons and because of political or historical implications in certain areas.
  • Use Google Images to look up “what should I wear when [insert location]?” Don’t forget about looking up activities either since they usually explain how people dress there too!

Keep it simple!

In general, keep it simple and avoid anything that will stand out.

You don’t want to be the person who brings attention to themselves in an area where people are already suspicious of foreigners! It’s never a good idea to take unnecessary risks when traveling, especially if there isn’t any reason for it.

Men can wear shorts, but they should probably avoid wearing short shorts or anything else that goes above mid-thigh since this is typically only done by young kids (in most places, anyway).

I recommend not wearing expensive jewelry while traveling – especially if that includes watches/wedding rings etc. It can be too tempting when you’re in a place where poverty is prevalent, and it can lead to some sticky situations. The same goes for expensive cameras, backpacks, watches, phones, etc.

Pack light.

You won’t believe how many men pack way too much stuff for their trip and end up carrying around a 50lb suitcase on wheels everywhere they go.   And I’m not just talking about businessmen, either. I’ve seen plenty of backpackers lug around massive packs as well, and it’s really not necessary.

The first thing you need to ask yourself is: “What am I going to be doing on this trip?” 

If your answer does not involve climbing a mountain or hiking through the Amazon jungle for days at a time, then you don’t need that tent or camping stove. Save space and weight because chances are you’re going to end up buying anything you really need anyway once you arrive at your destination.


The next thing is: “What kind of weather am I expecting?”

This doesn’t mean what season it will be, but rather how cold or hot your surroundings might get during certain times of the day. 

For example, if you plan on being near a beach for most of your trip, then obviously, swim trunks might be more appropriate than long pants.

Don’t forget the “One Bag” rule, either!

If you can pack all of your belongings into one bag for an entire trip, then it will make everything much easier on you when traveling through airports and train stations. Plus, it’s way easier to keep track of if (heaven forbid) something happens to your luggage. 

If you’re like most men, though, chances are that you’ll want at least one outfit per day, so you don’t look like a bum, and that’s fine.

Just make sure to pack a small bag with the essentials: toothbrush, face wash/wipes, deodorant (if you use it), and whatever else you need for hygiene purposes.

And of course, don’t forget your main luggage!

Make sure everything fits in there, so you’re not lugging around two bags everywhere like some sort of clown. You won’t look cool or impress anyone at all if that happens, no matter how much money was spent on them. 

For most trips, I usually bring a large backpack for my clothes and shoes (and an extra pair of sneakers), as well as a smaller duffel bag with toiletries, cables, chargers, etc.

And lastly…

The “secret” to packing light is all in the way you fold your clothes. Instead of just throwing everything into a suitcase haphazardly, make sure everything’s folded neatly and organized before putting it away, especially if your bag doesn’t have many compartments like mine.

This might seem like common sense for most people out there, but trust me – it really does make a difference.

10 Travel Essentials Every Man Needs | How To Pack Light | PRO Packing Tips

Respect the local customs.

This goes along with dressing appropriately, but it’s important to remember that you represent your country/home wherever you go! If people in the area are known for being overly religious, try not to offend them by acting in a way that is frowned upon.

While you can practice whatever religion you want at home, make sure your behavior doesn’t stand out too much while traveling. You don’t want people thinking of the stereotypes about Americans/Brits etc.! This goes for all cultures since there are usually certain things they find offensive or disrespectful.

If it isn’t apparent what’s ok, then just look up “what shouldn’t I do [insert location]” on Google and see if anything catches your eye – chances are that this could definitely be something not to do!

Don’t offend the locals.

Also, remember to avoid political statements like wearing clothing with writing on them (like anti-war messages) which can cause offense depending on where you are headed. It may be your right to do so at home, but this is one of those times when it’s best just to avoid the issue altogether.

People are far less likely to be offended by someone who shows respect for their culture/country than they will be if you try and change things up a bit! Make sure your behavior doesn’t offend anyone, and you’ll be sure to have a much better experience overall.

Visit the local tourist center or ask someone who lives there!

This is always the safest bet since they will know what’s appropriate for their location and can give some great recommendations on places/things NOT to do as well (which are sometimes more important than knowing where you should go).

Make your trip stress-free by doing everything possible before leaving – including reading about travel tips online like this one!

Don’t let anything stand in the way of a fantastic trip that could potentially change your life forever. Follow these simple tips laid out here and enjoy seeing new things abroad without any problems whatsoever.

Use Public Transportation & Taxis.

Public transportation is almost always the way to go when it’s available. Whether you’re in a big city or on some small island, buses and trains are generally cheap (if not free) ways of getting around while also experiencing more than just what your hotel has to offer.

Not only that, but they’ll get you directly where you need to be without worrying about traffic jams during rush hour or figuring out how much money each ride costs, like with taxis!

It’s not difficult to get used to public transportation, and it’ll make your trip a lot more fun overall.

Try to avoid driving cars.

Public Transportation

Whenever possible, avoid driving cars abroad altogether since they are usually the least safe option (especially if you’re driving!). Try finding out which areas of town are best walked/biked, or take advantage of the free bikes that many cities offer these days!

As long as you follow all the local traffic laws, there shouldn’t be any reason why biking around can’t work perfectly fine wherever you go – just try to find out what makes sense for each situation before committing 100%!

You don’t want to end up stranded somewhere unsafe because something unexpected happened… primarily when plenty of other options could have worked instead. Use common sense whenever possible, and chances are you’ll have little to no issues on your trip.

Car riding apps and taxis.

Uber or similar apps are other options (whenever they’re available) that can often save you a lot of money. Just ensure the driver’s car is in good shape before getting inside, and always pay attention to your surroundings.

Taxis are another way to have access to transportation, but you will need some local currency if they don’t accept cards (in most countries, they usually don’t).

Just know that most types of transportation are available in modern cities, so there is no reason to ever feel stuck!

Convert your currency ahead of time, so you don’t have to hassle with it on your trip.

This is very important since there’s nothing worse than traveling hours to get somewhere just to find out that you don’t have enough cash for your trip.

It’s not as difficult as it may sound, so there is no reason to avoid doing this step before you leave unless you plan on using a lot of cash or cards!

You will need local cash no matter how you’re traveling, though, so just make sure to do it ahead of time and only take what you need with you. Don’t be surprised if they charge a couple of dollars more than the exchange rate listed on Google or your bank account, though.

This is expected no matter where you are, so just take your money, convert it on the spot and be careful with how much cash you have on hand! It’s never too difficult to get more if needed, but trying to do that while traveling can quickly lead to significant problems.

Know what currency they use in each location ahead of time so nothing “surprises” you once there… even though 90% of people will accept or exchange US dollars anywhere around the world.

Carry local cash.

Always carry local cash since most places don’t accept cards (or only allow them for hefty charges). This way, you’ll always have access to transportation when necessary without having any issues getting by either.

Using cash is recommended since it’s best not to have too many card transactions when traveling – especially if you’re using a debit card!

Credit cards.

Make sure your credit card works abroad as well so that if anything does go wrong, at least there’s some backup available. This is an essential step that can save a lot of unnecessary stress.

You don’t want to risk making a mistake and having your card frozen when you’re halfway around the world!

Read how to tip appropriately in the country you’re visiting.


This is another thing that can be tough when traveling to a foreign country for the first time since it’s not always clear how much people are used to receiving tips or what situations would require one (if any).

Just make sure you do your research ahead of time, so everything goes smoothly, and there won’t be anything unexpected that could potentially cost you extra money!

You don’t want to offend anyone while on vacation, after all… especially if tipping isn’t normal where they live.

Don’t assume anything, and have all the information you need ahead of time, so everything goes smoothly.

Tips vary depending on where you are in the world, so always do some research. To avoid any unexpected surprises while you’re on your trip. Google “How to tip in… [your destination]”.

How to Tip When You Travel

Study some words and phrases in the local language.

It may not be required for your trip, but it’s never a bad idea to at least recognize some of these basics since they can definitely come in handy when you’re trying to find someone or something.

When arriving somewhere new, just say “Hello” and point around until you get what you need or someone offers to help you – it’s better than being completely lost. Don’t expect everyone to understand English if they can avoid it, especially in more rural areas.

You won’t always be able to communicate appropriately, but at least you’ll have tried, and that’s better than nothing. Even just knowing a few simple things (like where the bathroom is) could save you a lot of time and stress if everything else fails.

Translation apps.

Some apps translate for you using your smartphone camera, but they aren’t always accurate – plus, this will use up a lot of data quickly. Some places don’t have Wi-fi, and the coverage may be spotty depending on where you are, so just know the basics ahead of time.

It’s more reliable (and free) to just memorize a few essential words and phrases before you leave instead.

Learn how to get around safely on your own!

This is probably what most people worry about when traveling somewhere new without friends or family nearby – primarily if that destination is known for its safety risks or scams.

Take some time learning common dangers, typical scams, safe areas during times of day/night, and everything else in between so nothing catches you off guard while out exploring the cities alone.


These tips can help anyone travel anywhere since knowing where something dangerous could happen helps keep any traveler (man or woman) safe!


Maps are great, but they’re not always 100% accurate, especially when dealing with directions that involve alleyways or “shortcuts,” which could be dangerous for anyone – let alone a solo foreign traveler who doesn’t know his surroundings yet.

Avoid taking public transportation at night unless it’s absolutely necessary since this puts you more at risk than usual.

Having a local guide is another great option since they’ll know the best ways to get around and will be able to keep an eye on you while helping.

Traveling alone.

You don’t have to avoid traveling alone if that’s what makes sense in your situation – just be smart about it so nothing bad can happen while exploring somewhere new!

Avoid going out at night unless absolutely necessary. It may not always save you from danger, but it definitely helps lower the risk of something dangerous happening when fewer people are around (and there aren’t as many witnesses).

Try Out Some New Activities & Food!

Last but not least, make sure you’re actually enjoying yourself!

Take some time to do things (at your own pace) that are new and exciting for you. There’s nothing wrong with sticking to the basics if this is what makes sense in your situation, but don’t let fear or anxiety keep you from trying something different – especially since there’s no “correct” way to travel.

Exploring somewhere new should be fun (and freeing), not a source of stress so enjoy every moment as best as possible! It would also help to try out food beyond just fast food restaurants which can get old after a while…

You can’t go to a new place without trying some of the local cuisines!

This is one way to learn more about different cultures and traditions – plus, it’s fun! There are tons of foods out there that most people have never even heard of before, let alone tasted. This will also help you enjoy your trip more if eating well makes up part of it.

It’ll give you something interesting to snap photos or videos with, too, so no matter what happens, at least you’ll be able to remember it all later on once everything calms down again back home (if that ever happens).

If food isn’t your thing, then don’t worry… just try something else instead!

You could always find an activity to do, museums to visit, or a guided tour to sign up for instead. This will help you get the most out of your time in that place and is definitely worth any money spent!

The best way to get around is usually by foot or using public transportation – even if it’s slow. You’ll be able to breathe deep and really take everything in while also enjoying yourself more than usual since this isn’t something that everyone gets the chance to do every day! Remember that most other countries don’t rely on cars as we do in the United States. They use what’s available, and that usually means walking, biking, or using public transport.

Don’t let anything keep you from exploring new places, sights, activities, types of food, etc.

The world is full of amazing things waiting for everyone, so make sure you don’t miss out on any while visiting somewhere exciting!

The biggest tip here would definitely be “learn at least something about where you’re going” before leaving home – especially if this is your first time traveling somewhere new.

Learning how other people live their lives can give us all new perspectives we never thought about before, which makes traveling alone worth it for anyone who wants an adventure outside their regular routine. Plus, chances are there are plenty of things nearby, so no matter what interests you most, odds are good that someone knows where they’re located.


Thank you for reading our blog post. We hope it helped provide some valuable information about traveling as a man and/or insight into the male perspective on travel.

You can now go forth and travel the world with confidence, knowing that there are some simple things you can do to make your experience safer and more enjoyable.

If this post has proven helpful, or if you have additional questions about these tips, please leave us a comment below!

The 10 tips we’ve shared are just our opinion, but they may be helpful to some of you out there who need them!