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About Us

We’re a team of friends dedicated to helping men be better versions of themselves.

We offer advice on your style, lifestyle, and life hacks to help you lead an adventure-filled life full of success.

Our articles guide you through re-inventing your wardrobe, show you how to improve your lifestyle, and even give you advice on living a healthier, more balanced life.

We offer a wide array of topics, including fitness, travel, style, grooming & more.

In a world of information overload, we believe in distilling the best advice for you so that you can live a better life.

Why men?

Guys are the most confused when it comes to fashion & style. We’re taught that being taken seriously means being “tough.” We’re taught not to care too much about our looks, but how do we stand out in a professional environment?

On top of that, style is heavily influenced by trends, which are often impractical for guys who have active lifestyles. That’s why you’ll see us covering fitness & lifestyle topics as well – so you can be both stylish and stay in shape!

Also, there are plenty of blogs dedicated to women’s fashion. But men want their own space – so here it is! This is a blog for men.

We live in a time where the average person has never had more access to information, tools, or even other people who can help them succeed or improve their lives. 

But there’s one thing that hasn’t changed – our biology. We’re still as driven as our ancestors to ‘hunt,’ thrive and succeed. Yet, there are a lot of social changes that conflict with those drives – they make it more challenging for us to be successful in various ways.

Why do we struggle? 

We don’t have the time or energy to solve all these problems ourselves – which is where we come in!

We’re here to give you the tools to help you succeed so you can live a balanced, happy life. 

Our articles are written by guys who have been there, too – they know how it feels to have no idea what you’re doing with your style, struggle to meet new people, or even deal with peer pressure.

Some articles are written by women, too – which is great if you’re looking for advice from the female perspective.

We focus on giving you fact-checked advice that works today without making you feel like you’re out of date or behind on some trend.

At 10 Best For Men, our goal is to give you the tools you need to improve yourself. Our articles cover topics guys care about – from style tips to life advice; we have everyday topics covered.

Why “10 best?”

We know – it might seem crazy that every article is composed of 10 points.

But it goes back to the old tradition of men’s magazines that would provide guys with information on how to get ahead in life. They’d give you 10 quick tips & tricks instead of focusing on one new theory.

It was a way for them to cover a lot in a short time – and we’re following that tradition here.

Essentially, we’re giving you a fact-checked, clear, actionable plan on how to live a better life – and if that’s not something you want, then we’re not the website for you!

Who are we?

We’re everyday guys who spend half our time working on this blog while the other half is spent living our lives.

We are also life coaches and cognitive behavior therapy practitioners who are always looking for new and innovative ways to share our knowledge with the world.

We’re passionate about making the world a better place by helping you succeed in life & style – without taking everything too seriously.

Because let’s face it – there are enough people who want to make you feel worse about yourself. We think positivity should be favored over negativity!

We are based in Texas, U.S., but we have writers from around the world. All our articles are written in English.

What can you find on 10 Best For Men?

10 Best For Men features a variety of topics — we keep things simple and focus on everyday issues that men care about.

We try to make things easy to understand, so anyone can improve their life or learn something new from us.

You can find articles about personal development, style advice, lifestyle tips & tricks, faq, health advice, sports topics, learning, self-improvement… pretty much anything that makes your life better!

We hope you find this site useful! If you have any questions or comments, feel free to contact us any time – we’d love to hear from you.    

Thanks for stopping by, and we look forward to seeing you around!

Lenny Terra. – Founder & Editor-in-Chief of 10 Best For Men