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The Ten Best Ideas To Impress Your Girlfriend

Every guy wants to impress their girlfriend and show her that they care. We all want our girlfriends to feel special, so we find ways of showing them we love them.

Here are 10 ideas on how you can make your girlfriend happy.

Cook her dinner and light some candles.

Cooking dinner for your girlfriend says, “I wanted to treat you.” It also shows that you care about her and make her happy.

Cook her dinner

Doing this on the first date is probably not a good idea, but if it’s part of your ongoing relationship, then she will appreciate it!

It’s a simple idea that can be very romantic.

How to do it right?

  • Bring out the candles to set the mood as soon as the sun starts to set. Candles are a great way to add atmosphere and show her that you care about creating memories together, even in everyday life.
  • Start by choosing an easy recipe that does not take too much time or requires many ingredients; this will make cooking less stressful.
  • Try making something she loves, like spaghetti Bolognese which only requires ground beef, tomatoes, garlic, and pasta! Add in some nice music playing in the background and dimmed lights to create the perfect date night atmosphere.
  • If you have trouble with cooking skills, simply order take-out from somewhere nearby – just don’t tell her until after!
  • Don’t forget to compliment her on how she looks and smells throughout the night.
  • Just make sure she knows that you think she is amazing and beautiful – every woman wants to hear those words from their boyfriend!
  • At the end of dinner, tell your girlfriend that this was an incredible evening and that you are glad she is in your life.

This idea should definitely score high with your partner; every girl loves a romantic date.

Take her to a concert.

Taking her to a concert is an excellent way to show your girlfriend you care about what she likes. This indicates that you want to spend time with her and listen to music together, which can be an excellent bond for both people in a relationship.

It doesn’t have to cost much either! Concerts are often free or cheap, especially if it’s at one of your local venues – this will save money but still show how much effort you put into making sure she has fun on date night.

If concerts aren’t really her thing, then consider going out dancing instead.

There are probably lots of places near where you live that offer good deals for couples looking for some fun on their evening off from work.

Remember, any activity that you both enjoy is an excellent way to bond.

It doesn’t matter whether it’s something new or old; what matters most is doing things together and having fun!

Don’t try too hard, though; sometimes, the most straightforward ideas are best. For example, if you go to a concert, she might get excited, but if you plan an evening of home movies and popcorn, then the excitement will be just as high!

So long as it’s something that interests her, your girlfriend will appreciate that effort.

Write her a love letter and leave it where she will find it.

Writing a love letter and leaving it somewhere for your girlfriend to see will make her smile. It is an excellent way of putting time and effort into your relationship while also showing how much she means to you.

love letter

It doesn’t matter where or when; if there’s a moment that feels special, then this would be an excellent opportunity for love letter writing! If not, just wait until it comes naturally.

A simple note in her pocket before work or on her pillow are both very romantic ideas that will definitely leave your girlfriend feeling loved. The key with these little gestures is to do something unexpectedly so she can feel surprised at any given moment.

Simply write something that shows how much you care about your relationship and her efforts to be with you. You could include little inside jokes or memories, too, if they are special moments for both in the relationship.

Think about your girlfriend’s feelings.

Just be sure not to write anything that could bother her or make her feel uncomfortable; always think about your girlfriend’s feelings and how she will react to what you have written.

It doesn’t matter if it is a short note or an entire book; the important thing is that you show her just how much she means to you!

Don’t be afraid to use different colors or pens either; the more creative you are with this idea, the better it will turn out.

Include as many feelings and memories as possible, so she knows how much effort was put into writing it too. This tip should definitely score high with your partner; every girl loves a handwritten note from her boyfriend.

Get her a one-of-a-kind gift that shows you know her.

Getting your girlfriend a one-of-a-kind gift is an excellent way of showing how much time and effort you put into the relationship. It doesn’t matter what it is or where it comes from, so long as she will love it!

This can be anything from handmade jewelry to vintage clothing; just consider her tastes before choosing something that might not fit with who she is and what makes her feel comfortable.

If you’re looking for inspiration, then look at some online shops, local markets, or even second-hand stores – there are lots of unique items out there that would make great gifts without costing too much money.

The key is to put time and effort into thinking of what would make her feel loved.

Think about what she likes best, like her favorite colors or interests.

It doesn’t matter whether it costs money or not; all that matters is showing how thoughtful you are towards your partner in a way they will appreciate most. Even homemade gifts should be considered here; creativity always wins over expensive items every single time! With all the effort you put into your relationship, this is definitely something that will impress her.

Surprise her with breakfast in bed.

A great way to start the day is by surprising your girlfriend with breakfast in bed. If you have ever woken up early enough to cook her a meal, then you know just how much effort this takes!

breakfast in bed

If not, simply order something delicious and take it over for when she wakes up so she can enjoy it while you spend time together.

She will be impressed by the amount of thought and effort that went into a simple meal.

If you have to go out for work, then consider having breakfast ready when she wakes up so you can spend some memorable moments with one another before going your separate ways for the day.

While this may seem like a small gesture, it really does mean a lot to all women in any relationship, so don’t underestimate its power! It is sure to leave your girlfriend impressed at whatever stage you are both at right now.

One idea would be pancakes, fruit skewers, and fresh juice – whatever food makes her happy!

This will make your girlfriend feel pampered and loved in the morning, no matter what you are both doing that day.

Buy her flowers and chocolates.

Another great way to make your girlfriend feel special and pampered is by buying her flowers and chocolates. However, don’t just go out and buy the first bouquet you see!

If you want her to be impressed, then do some research into what kinds of flowers she likes best; there are many choices when it comes to this, so consider which ones might inspire feelings in your partner for specific occasions or milestones together.

What about roses? If you have ever heard that they represent love, then why not include them too?

If you are looking for something more original, then consider sunflowers, tulips, or daffodils.

Don’t just get her the same old box of chocolates you always get.

Instead, consider something that really expresses your relationship together; this might be chocolate flavored after one of her favorite fruits or candies! Chocolates are a great way to tell her exactly how you feel about your relationship.

Plan a weekend away together

Plan a weekend away together

It’s no secret that all women love the idea of romantic getaways where she can relax and enjoy some time to herself with her partner. This is sure to impress your girlfriend, especially if you put effort into making it truly special by organizing everything beforehand!

For instance, you could take a look at some of the hotel packages available to book online. This way, you can ensure all your bases are covered and get everything sorted in advance, from booking flights or driving there, organizing dinner reservations, and even making spa appointments!

Take care of the details.

In addition to this, it’s also essential that you show her how much she means to you by taking care of little details, such as flowers on her arrival, and getting someone else to organize any beauty treatments for her. At the same time, she relaxes so she won’t have too much work when you arrive. If money is not an issue, then why not spoil her completely? A relaxing weekend away together will be something that you will remember forever!

Another idea would be to arrange a surprise trip abroad together. This can often be a very romantic gesture that she will remember forever.

Make her a Spotify playlist of songs that remind you of her.

If your girlfriend loves music, this is a perfect way to show how much you care about her!

Every time she turns on Spotify or iTunes and plays one of the playlists you made, it will be like having a little reminder from you every single day! Why not add in some love notes as well? You can include lyrics from certain songs that have a powerful meaning for the two of you – just make sure they are appropriate, though. You don’t want any awkward situations when friends or family start looking through her playlist!

The best part about making a playlist is finding all those old songs which bring back memories of being with each other. For example, maybe there’s a song that reminds both of you of your first date.

Spotify playlists are a great way to show how much effort and thought you put into making them for her! This is definitely one of the best ways to impress your girlfriend.

Do not forget about putting in some songs that she does not really listen to often but would be impressed if you did know they were her favorite – we all love surprises sometimes, don’t we?

Make reservations at your favorite restaurant.


Make sure they set aside a special table just for the two of you.

It’s no secret that women love romance, and if your girlfriend is anything like the majority of them, then she will be impressed by you taking her out to a restaurant for dinner.

However, the trick here is making sure you choose somewhere that has some kind of atmosphere or vibe that reflects what both of you enjoy doing together! If it’s possible to book ahead, then do so as this can help avoid any last-minute panic where none are available.

Another idea might be choosing something with an unforgettable view – whether it’s overlooking one of the most famous landmarks in town or even at sea on the top deck, perhaps? This way, there won’t be any distractions from talking about how much you care about her and what you plan on doing in the future together.

Include romantic touches.

Don’t forget about including some romantic touches to rouse her curiosity too. For example, you could ask for candles to be lit on the table when you arrive or perhaps even have a rose placed in her glass of wine. These small gestures are often what impresses most about these kinds of surprises! 

This idea is so great because it really does show how much thought went into making it. You can also show her that you thought about what she would like and where the two of you could go together! 

Try not to forget that most women like it when their date goes out of their way, especially for special occasions such as birthdays or anniversaries. This will definitely impress your girlfriend no end!

Give her a massage.

This is an easy way to impress your girlfriend. Everybody knows how much women love having a massage – it’s the ultimate relaxation after all!

Make sure you choose some soothing music or relaxing sounds to help her drift off into complete bliss.

Don’t forget about including scented candles and essential oils and dimming the lighting slightly. This is especially effective if she has just come back from work, where she may have sat down for most of the day, so being pampered will definitely be appreciated by your girlfriend!

It doesn’t matter what time of year it is; everybody loves receiving one of these types of surprise gestures because they really show us how loved we are when someone goes out of their way to spoil us.

Take her preferences into account.

Don’t forget about asking what type of pressure your girlfriend prefers because this can often affect how effective and memorable these types of gestures are, so ask ahead rather than when they’re already started. There might even be certain areas on the body that, if touched too much, may cause some discomfort, such as around any scars or injuries that could deter the entire experience.

Then, you can help her relax by telling her to close her eyes and focus on taking deep breaths. This might help put your girlfriend at ease and help with the overall experience of having a massage! 


This blog post has given you the ten best ideas to impress your girlfriend. You may have already tried some of these, but if not, then it’s worth giving them a try! The goal is for her to feel loved and appreciated – something that she will never get enough of.

Comment below on which one was your favorite idea, or share any other creative ways you’ve found to show someone how much they mean to you!