Winter is a tough time for the skin. The lack of humidity and harsh weather can cause dry, itchy skin all over the body.
Unfortunately, there’s no way to avoid winter altogether; but you can take steps to protect your skin from the elements and prepare for spring!
Here are some tips to help keep your skin moisturized all winter long.
Use a humidifier in the house to add moisture back into the air.
A humidifier is an easy way to add moisture back into the air in your home.
The moisture provided by the humidifier will help prevent dry skin all over the body.
It will significantly benefit those with dry hands and feet, which is common among people during winter. It’s easy for our extremities to become extremely dry when we’re inside most of the day, so if you want healthy-looking skin this winter, make sure your home environment has plenty of humidity!
Whole-house humidifiers.
These are installed near your furnace or air conditioning system, which will benefit the whole family.
This kind of humidifier adds moisture to the air throughout your entire house, which is great for everyone and decreases the risk of respiratory infections, allergies, and colds.
They don’t require much maintenance and can run on autopilot. Keep the humidity level between 30-50% for the best results. You can find a whole-house humidifier from brands like Honeywell and Aprilaire.
If a whole-house humidifier is out of your budget, try adding a few smaller room humidifiers to different areas of your home, like the bedroom or living room.
Room humidifiers.
These are great for targeted moisture in a smaller house area and don’t take up as much space.
There are many choices on the market to choose from, including cool mist and warm mist humidifiers, which are the most common types of room humidifiers, and each comes with its pros and cons:
- A cool-mist humidifier is excellent for those who suffer from sinus congestion or allergy symptoms, as it filters out particles in the air.
- A warm-mist humidifier provides soothing relief for cold and flu symptoms but can cause a buildup of minerals and bacteria in the tank.
No matter which type you choose, make sure to clean your room humidifier regularly by following the manufacturer’s cleaning instructions or using vinegar as a part-time cleaner.
Humidifier Tips:
If using a whole-house humidifier, make sure you change the humidifier filter once or twice a year. Check with an HVAC specialist first to ensure it’s compatible with your furnace or air conditioning system.
If you use a room humidifier, place it on a flat surface and out of reach from children. Refill with clean water daily to avoid calcium buildup in the tank, and don’t let your humidifier run dry — this can cause damage and increase the risk of mold growth inside the appliance. Be careful when adding essential oils to your humidifier, as some can damage the device.
Where to find them?
You can find humidifiers at most department stores or online retailers.
Here are some of our favorites you can find on Amazon:
Whole-house humidifiers
Room humidifiers
Protect your skin from the sun by wearing sunscreen, even during winter.
It’s easy to think that you’re safe from UV rays during the winter because of all the cold weather outside, but this isn’t true.
UV rays are still very much present throughout the year, so it’s essential to wear sunscreen anytime you go out! Even if it is cloudy or there is snow on the ground, UV rays can pass through these barriers and cause problems for your skin.
You should always look for a mineral-based sunblock when shopping for a new product that will provide complete protection from UVA/B rays — titanium dioxide and zinc oxide are among some of the safest ingredients around.
Make sure that whatever brand you choose also contains antioxidants like vitamin E and Hyaluronic Acid since they’ll help fight off free radicals in your body as well!
UV rays can sneak through cloud cover and cause damage just as quickly as they can during warmer months, so make sure you protect yourself by wearing SPF 30+ sunscreen every day.
Keep moisturizer on hand for dry skin.
Keep moisturizer on hand for dry skin.
Winter can be tough on your skin, and it’s essential to keep a good moisturizer handy in an emergency. If you’re unsure which type will work best, try finding one with hyaluronic acid (also known as HA).
Apply it all over your body after showering and right before you get dressed to lock in the moisture.
Moisturizer is especially critical for hands and feet, which can become extremely dry during the winter months. 1
Here are some of our favorite moisturizers from Amazon:
If using a moisturizer with SPF, apply it first thing in the morning, so your skin has time to absorb it before heading outside. Make sure you reapply throughout the day if spending prolonged periods outdoors.
Avoid taking hot showers — let them turn lukewarm instead of boiling water.
Taking long, scalding-hot showers or baths can strip your skin of all its natural oils, leading to dryness and irritation.
Instead, let the water turn lukewarm before stepping in; this will be much gentler on your skin and hair.
Avoid taking a shower every day as well; during the winter, our bodies only need to be cleaned once or twice per week, so try to space it out if possible.
If you feel the urge for a daily wash, make sure that you use a gentle cleanser and follow it up with an equally-gentle moisturizer afterward.
Use a lip balm with SPF to prevent chapping.
Use a lip balm with SPF to prevent chapping.
Your lips are even more susceptible to dryness and chapping in the winter, so be sure you use a moisturizing formula with an SPF of 30 or higher.
Apply it all over your mouth before heading outdoors, especially if there is snow on the ground — this will help reflect some of the sun’s rays from entering your body through your lips (snow acts as a magnifying glass).
Be sure not to lick your lips throughout the day, as saliva can cause them to become drier than ever!
Here are some of our winter lip balm favorites from Amazon:
To keep things extra-moisturized at night, make sure you apply additional lip balm right before sleep; we recommend brushing your teeth before applying it to bed, as this will help prevent any stains on your pillowcases.
Drink plenty of water throughout the day to keep your skin hydrated.
Drink plenty of water throughout the day to keep your skin hydrated.
We know it may be difficult with all that holiday cheer, but try your best not to miss any opportunities for drinking water! Your body needs at least eight daily glasses to stay properly hydrated and flush out toxins.
The colder weather can cause you to sweat less than usual (especially if you’re bundled up indoors), so make sure you are still consuming enough liquids daily. If this is too much work or planning for your lifestyle, consider making an effort to drink more water before bed instead — our bodies tend to go through their most drastic detoxification process overnight while we sleep.
Avoid products that contain alcohol and other chemicals — they can be harsh on your skin.
This tip may seem a little counter-intuitive since most people think that alcohol is good for the skin. In reality, though, it can be very drying and lead to irritation or redness over time.
Avoid using any skincare or hair care product that contains a lot of harsh chemicals. These ingredients will strip away the oils from your face and hair, leaving them dryer than ever before!
Also, avoid using hand sanitizer since it can take away the natural oils from your hands. If you need to clean your hands while on the go, try using an organic hand sanitizer made from ingredients like witch hazel and aloe instead.
If you’re in doubt about whether a particular ingredient is safe for you to use, look it up online; there are tons of resources out there to help consumers read between the lines when it comes to personal care items.
As much as possible, stick with all-natural ingredients when shopping for beauty products. Many companies now offer 100% natural options so take advantage of them!
Wear gloves, a scarf, and a hat to cover exposed skin.
Wear gloves, a scarf, and a hat to cover exposed skin. When heading outdoors this winter, be sure you’re wearing protective gear that covers as much of your body as possible — the more, the better! Look for hats and gloves made with natural fibers, such as wool and cotton.
Wool is especially beneficial because it helps regulate your skin’s temperature when wet or dry, whereas cotton is lightweight and breathable.
You can also wear scarves or bandanas around your mouth to shield against harsh winds; they can also provide some extra warmth if needed.
Here are some of our favorite winter fashion finds from Amazon:
You can also add a face mask to your winter ensemble.
Take care of any cuts or scrapes, so they don’t get infected and lead to other problems down the line.
Take care of any cuts or scrapes so they don’t get infected and lead to other issues down the line.
Winter can be dangerous on its own, but you’re also more likely to get hurt during this time of year because dry skin makes your body less resistant to injury.
That’s why you need to take extra precautions when going outside in winter weather — wear long mittens instead of short gloves, ensure your boots provide a proper amount of traction before heading out on the ice, etc.
If you do happen to develop a cut or scrape from an accident while outside, make sure you clean it thoroughly and keep an eye on it to ensure that any infection doesn’t get out of control.
Eat healthy foods that provide the proper nutrients for your skin to stay healthy.
Eating healthy foods is always important, but it becomes even more crucial during winter, when you need all the help you can get! A proper diet will boost your immune system so that your body feels stronger and less susceptible to diseases or infections.
When making dietary choices, focus on foods high in omega fatty acids and vitamin E — their antioxidant properties will help your skin stay healthy.
Adding these nutrients to your diet is as easy as eating more spinach, sunflower seeds, broccoli, carrots, and sweet potatoes.
If you’re looking for a fast way to add these nutrients into your diet in the form of a supplement, consider taking fish oil or a flaxseed supplement.
The best supplements will be made from natural ingredients and won’t contain any added chemicals, so always read the label before adding anything to your cart!
Winter is a time of the year when men often need to take more care of their skin.
With cold air, dry indoor heat, and harsh wind all assaulting your skin from every angle, you must do what you can to protect yourself from these elements.
Our 10 tips should help get you started on a winter skincare routine that will keep your complexion healthy and glowing throughout this season!
What are some other things men can do for their skin during winter? Please share them in the comments below!

Joanna Perez is a Certified Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Practitioner, a passionate blogger, writer, traveler, wife, and mother of one boy. Joanna loves to share her thoughts on parenting, health, wellness, and lifestyle.
She is a Certified Women Empowerment Life Coach and has done courses on Life Mastery, Happiness, Health, and Success. She also has studied Neuroscience for Parents and took the Skilled Helper Training Course.
She believes in helping people become the best version of themselves and strives to provide quality informative and inspiring content. She loves animals, especially her two cats, and can often be found taking photos of them as they pose for the camera.