Willpower is an important factor in our everyday lives. It helps us stay focused, resist temptations, and accomplish goals. But sometimes, willpower can be hard to come by.
This article will provide 10 strategies any man can use to increase his willpower, so you have more motivation to take on life’s challenges!
Increase your willpower by creating a plan.

One of the best ways to increase your willpower is to create a plan. Having a specific goal in mind and knowing what steps you need to take to achieve it will help keep you focused and motivated. When you have a clear plan, there’s less room for doubt or hesitation, which can sap your willpower.
Break down your goal into smaller steps so it’s easier to achieve, and make a timeline for completing them. This will help you stay on track and motivated. Breaking down your task into smaller steps will also help you avoid feeling overwhelmed when trying to achieve an enormous goal.
Increase your willpower by setting a routine.
A routine helps create structure and stability in our lives, essential for maintaining willpower. When we know what to expect each day, it’s easier to stick to our goals. Having a routine also allows men to conserve willpower by freeing up mental energy for other tasks.
Make a list of things you need to do each day and stick to it as closely as possible. If something comes up that disrupts your routine, don’t get discouraged; adapt and try to make up for the lost time the best you can.
For example, if your goal is to lose weight, your routine might include going to the gym every morning and eating a healthy breakfast. If your goal is to study for a test, your routine might include setting aside a specific time each day to work on your studies.
Remove distractions and temptations to increase your willpower.
Distractions can be our worst enemy when trying to accomplish something meaningful. It’s hard to focus on our goals when there are constantly things vying for our attention. This is why it’s important to remove distractions and temptations from your environment whenever possible.
If you’re trying to study, put your phone in another room or turn it off completely. If you’re trying to diet, keep unhealthy foods out of your house. If you’re trying to work, close all of your other tabs except the one you need open.
The more distractions we can eliminate from our lives, the easier it will be to maintain willpower and stay focused on our goals.
This is also important for maintaining a routine. If your environment is filled with temptations and distractions, you’re putting yourself at risk of getting off track or quitting altogether.
Make sure to surround yourself only with things that help motivate you to accomplish your goals and those that will support the changes you want to make in life!
Reward yourself to stay motivated.
Rewarding yourself for good behavior is a great way to stay motivated and accomplish your goals because it makes you feel good about your progress toward achieving them! It also provides an incentive to keep going when things get tough.
After completing a task or working on something important, reward yourself in a small but significant way, such as giving yourself five minutes of downtime to watch your favorite show or eating a healthy snack. This will help you stay focused and motivated, especially when willpower is in short supply.
One important note: Don’t reward yourself with food if your goal is to lose weight! That’s a surefire way to derail your diet and lose motivation. The same goes for any other unhealthy habits you might try to break. Don’t reward yourself with them; find something else that’s more in line with your goals.
Take a break to avoid burning out.
It’s important to remember that willpower is a finite resource; over time, it will start to wear down if we don’t give it a break. This is why it’s essential to take regular intervals throughout the day, especially if we’re trying to accomplish something challenging.

If you get too overwhelmed, it’s all too easy to burn out and lose motivation completely. If you feel like your willpower is running low or that your routine isn’t working for some reason, try taking a step back and allowing yourself to recharge before continuing with what you’re doing.
For example, if you’ve been trying very hard at the gym but seem unable to make any progress despite repeated efforts, permit yourself to skip one day of exercise so that when you go in the next day, there will be no pressure weighing down on you. By allowing yourself this time off from exercising, not only are you helping prevent weariness from setting in but also making room for renewed energy within you that will make your next workout more productive.
The same goes for other goals as well; if you’re feeling overwhelmed or like you can’t keep up, take a break and try again later when you feel more refreshed.
Avoid stress to achieve your goals.
Stress can be very damaging for our bodies because when we feel stressed out, the body thinks we’re in some kind of danger and begins releasing cortisol. Cortisol is our body’s “fight or flight” hormone, so the more stressed out we feel, the higher levels of it are released in an attempt to give us the energy to handle what’s stressing us out.
If you’re trying to accomplish something challenging that requires willpower, but your mind keeps wandering back towards stressful thoughts (like deadlines at work or bills coming up), take a step back and try meditating for ten minutes with some soothing music playing quietly in the background.
This will help lower stress levels by bringing awareness back into your present moment; when you learn how to do this regularly, it will make achieving goals much easier and prevent unnecessary damage done by things like high blood pressure and heart disease.
Learn to say “no” to stay focused.
It’s very easy for men to lose track of our goals amidst all the distractions that constantly bombard us from every direction, whether it be social media or just general obligations we’ve taken on. Learning how to manage time better by saying “no” more often is a great way to stay focused on what we want most in life and accomplish those things we set out to do.
If you’re feeling overwhelmed and find yourself struggling to keep up, start by evaluating your current commitments and decide which ones you no longer wish to.
Whether it be a commitment that takes up too much of your time, one that isn’t in line with your goals, or one that’s just draining you. Once you’ve decided which ones no longer work for you, don’t feel bad about letting them go.
Remember, there’s a difference between being selfish and taking care of yourself; if you’re constantly overworking yourself because you feel like you “have to” in order to get stuff done, it’s time for a change.
This doesn’t mean that once you’ve let go of a commitment, you can never do it again, but rather that, for the time being, it’s not the best thing for you and your goals.
If you find yourself agreeing to take on too much (or taking on new tasks at work without first asking if there’s any extra room in your schedule), make sure you’re not overworking yourself, as this will only hinder willpower. Be realistic about what you can handle; if necessary, renegotiate your workload or politely decline new tasks until you have more breathing room.
Increase your willpower by practicing mindfulness.

Mindfulness is the act of bringing awareness back to what you’re doing in the present moment so that you can better appreciate it; when practiced regularly, it helps increase our willpower because we’re less likely to give in to distractions.
If you find yourself struggling with tasks that require focus (like studying for a test or working on a project), try taking a few deep breaths and bringing attention to the physical sensations you’re feeling in the moment. Are your hands clenched? Is your jaw tight?
Once you’ve become aware of any tension you might be carrying, begin to let go of it by consciously relaxing your body one muscle at a time until you feel more at ease. Not only will this help improve productivity, but it will also make complex tasks easier to handle.
Track your progress to stay motivated.
Part of what makes accomplishing goals feel so satisfying is the feeling of the progress we get as we move closer and closer to our end goal; by tracking our progress, we can better appreciate how far we’ve come and remain motivated along the way.
If you’re working towards a goal, make sure to set milestones and track your progress each week or month. This could be something as simple as recording your weight every day in a journal or checking off items on a list as you complete them.
Not only does this help us stay accountable, but it’s also a great way to see just how much progress we’re making (which is incredibly motivating when things get tough).
Create a positive environment to improve your willpower.
The saying “you are what you eat” is just as relevant to our willpower; if we surround ourselves with things that make us feel good, we’re more likely to have the energy and motivation to stay on track.
This could be anything from surrounding yourself with positive people who support your goals, keeping a picture of your plan or desired outcome in a visible spot, or listening to upbeat music while working on tasks that require focus.
You can set your environment up to support your goals by keeping healthy snacks within reach, making it easy for you to get up and move around every so often throughout the day, or choosing clothes that make you feel confident and powerful.
Taking care of yourself and your environment should make it easier for you to stick with your goals; if not, try experimenting until you find something that works.
On the other hand, if you find yourself constantly surrounded by negativity (whether it’s at home, work, or out and about), it can be tough to maintain willpower. In these cases, it might be helpful to take some time for yourself and spend it doing something you enjoy (like going for a walk, reading a book, or listening to music).
There’s a lot of invaluable information out there about how to increase willpower and accomplish your goals, but it can be challenging to keep track of everything.
If you are a man who struggles with staying motivated or getting distracted easily, try applying even just one tactic from this list; over time, the strategies that work best for you will become more obvious. In any case, remember that everyone experiences setbacks now and then – u don’t have to do anything drastic if things get tricky! Just take some deep breaths and start fresh when you’re ready.
Do you have any favorite techniques for increasing willpower that wasn’t mentioned in this post? Share them in the comments below!

Lenny Terra is the founder & editor-in-chief. He’s a life coach, software engineer, freelance writer, and has a diploma in Modern Applied Psychology. Lenny has a passion for great living & beautiful design. He is married and is the father of two beautiful girls. His life’s mission is to help people improve their lives, become happier and more productive. This blog is his contribution to that goal and to the empowerment of his readers. Lenny and his family live in Texas with their two dogs.