No one is perfect, and everyone has their own opinions. However, when someone always thinks their view is right, it can be difficult to deal with them. If you find yourself in this situation, don’t worry – here are some tips on how to handle it.
Understand why the person thinks they are always right.
When someone always thinks they are right, it can be difficult to have a conversation. This is because they refuse to see any other perspective but their own. To understand why this person thinks they are always right, it’s important to look at the factors contributing to their behavior.
One possible reason for this thinking pattern is a lack of self-confidence. When someone doesn’t feel good about themselves, they may try to make up for it by proving that they know more than everyone else. This can lead to an inflated sense of ego, and the person will start to believe that their opinion is always correct.

Another possible reason is that the person has a need for control. When everything in their life feels chaotic, they may cling to the one thing that they feel like they can control – their opinions. This can lead to a feeling of superiority, and they will start to believe that they are always right to feel better about themselves.
Maybe the individual was raised in a particular environment where their opinion was always valued. For example, if a parent always told their child that they were right, the child may grow up thinking that this is how the world works. As an adult, this thinking pattern can be difficult to change. Or maybe they were always the top student in their class and felt like they had to be right all the time.
Finally, some people may think they are always right because they have a very black-and-white view of the world. They see things in terms of right and wrong, and they believe that their opinion is always the right one. This can make it difficult for them to understand other perspectives or see shades of gray.
Whatever the reason for the behavior, it’s important to understand where the person is coming from. This will help you be more patient with them and respond in a way that is more likely to be effective.
Don’t take it personally.
When someone is always critical or thinks they are right, it can be easy to take it personally. After all, it feels like they are constantly disagreeing with you or telling you that you’re wrong. But it’s important to remember that this behavior is not about you – it’s about the other person.
It can be easy to feel like they are attacking you specifically. However, that’s not usually the case. More often than not, this person is just trying to be heard, and they happen to think their opinion is the only one that matters.
They may not even realize how their behavior is affecting you. Many people who think they are always right don’t even realize that they are doing it. It’s just the way they see the world. So try not to take it personally and remember that it’s not about you.
Don’t argue.
As tempting as it may be to argue with this person, it’s usually not the best idea. When you argue with someone who thinks they are always right, you’re not going to change their mind – and you’re just going to get frustrated.
Instead of arguing, try to redirect the conversation. Ask questions that will help them to see your perspective, or better, try to make them think it was their idea in the first place.
For example, you could say something like, “I see your point. But have you considered how this might affect other people?” This will help them think about the issue differently and maybe even start seeing your perspective.
You could also try to agree with them on some level. For example, if they say, “This is the best way to do it,” you could respond with, “I agree that it’s a good option.” Then you can offer your own suggestion as an alternative.
The goal is to get them to see that there are other ways of looking at the situation – and that their opinion is not the only one that matters.
Of course, there are some cases where arguing may be necessary – such as when someone is being abusive. In these cases, it’s important to stand up for yourself and to set boundaries. But in general, try to avoid arguing if you can.
It’s also important to remember that you don’t have to agree with everything they say. Just because someone thinks they are always right doesn’t mean that you have to give in to them. It’s okay to agree to disagree.
Don’t get pulled into a power struggle.
When someone is always trying to prove that they are right, it can be easy to get pulled into a power struggle with them. This is when both people are trying to assert their authority and prove that they are in charge. But this is usually not productive and will make the situation worse.
If you get caught up in a power struggle, try to take a step back and focus on what you want to achieve from the conversation. Is it more important for you to be right or find a solution? If it’s the latter, try to let go of your need to be right and focus on finding a compromise.
The best way to deal with someone who thinks they are always right is to stay calm and assertive. Don’t let them bait you into an argument, and don’t give in to their demands. If you can maintain your composure and stay firm, they will eventually back down.
Pick your battles.
People who think they are always right can be frustrating to deal with. They never miss an opportunity to point out your failings, and they always have to be right, even if it means trudging through arguments that are neither productive nor enjoyable.

It can be tempting to engage with this person every time they start an argument, but sometimes it’s better to pick your battles.
There will be some arguments that are not worth your time and energy, so try to choose wisely.
Picking your battles is an important part of life. It’s not about being a pushover or avoiding all conflict. It’s about knowing when to stand up for yourself and when to let things go.
Of course, there will be times when you have to stand your ground and fight for what you believe in. But try to choose these battles wisely, and don’t engage in every argument just for the sake of it.
If you’re always fighting for your point of view, you’ll end up feeling exhausted and frustrated. You’re also not going to make much progress because the other person will never give in.
So next time you’re feeling pulled into an argument, ask yourself if it’s worth your time and energy. If not, then walk away.
Use “I” statements.
When you’re communicating with someone who always has to be right, it’s important to use “I” statements. These are statements that focus on your own feelings and experiences rather than making accusations or trying to change the other person’s behavior.
“I” statements are a non-threatening way of communicating your needs, and they can help defuse tense situations. They also make it more likely that the other person will actually listen to what you’re saying because you’re not coming across as confrontational.
For example, instead of saying, “You’re being ridiculous,” you could say, “I’m not sure if I understand what you’re saying.”
“I” statements are not always easy to use, but they can be very effective in dealing with difficult people.
Of course, there will be times when “I” statements won’t be enough, and you’ll need to be more direct. But in general, try to use them as much as possible.
Set boundaries.
It’s important to set boundaries with people who always have to be right. Otherwise, they will continue to take advantage of you and steamroll over your needs.
Boundaries are not about being rude or shutting the other person out completely. They’re about creating a healthy distance in the relationship so that you can still interact with each other without all the drama.
For example, you might need to set boundaries with someone who always criticizes you. You could say something like, “I’d appreciate it if you would refrain from criticizing me on this issue. I’m trying to work on it, and I don’t need your help.”
Of course, setting boundaries is not always easy. People who always have to be right often don’t respond well to being told what they can and cannot do. But it’s important to stand your ground and be firm. Otherwise, they will never take your needs seriously.
Let them know that you’re not going to tolerate their behavior anymore. Be firm but respectful. Explain that you’re willing to listen to their opinion, but that doesn’t mean you have to agree with them.
Explain to them calmly and clearly that you will not tolerate being treated disrespectfully, and if they can’t respect your point of view, then maybe it’s time to take a break from the conversation.
This may not change their behavior immediately, but it will let them know that you will not put up with their bullying tactics. In addition, it will help you to preserve your own sanity and well-being.
Keep your conversations short and to the point.
The longer you engage with someone who always has to be right, the more likely you will get dragged into a never-ending argument. So it’s important to keep your conversations short and to the point.
The best way to do this is to make a statement and then walk away. You can give your opinion, but don’t get into a long discussion about it.
It can also be helpful to have a game plan going into these conversations. Know what you want to say and stick to it. If the other person tries to derail the discussion, don’t let them get away with it. Bring the conversation back to your original point.
You can also try to limit your face-to-face interactions with this person. If possible, communicate via text or email instead. This way, you can avoid getting pulled into a heated discussion, and you can also take your time to craft a well-thought-out response.
Respond with facts.

If you’re dealing with someone who always has to be right, it can be tempting to fight fire with fire and try to one-up them. But this will only result in a never-ending cycle of arguments.
Instead, focus on responding with facts. This will help diffuse the situation, making it more difficult for the other person to argue with you.
For example, if someone is trying to tell you that you’re wrong about something, back up your claim with evidence. Find a credible source that supports your opinion and share it with them. Don’t let them turn the conversation into a debate; instead, focus on communicating your point of view and why you believe it’s correct.
Don’t get drawn into it if they still try to argue with you. Simply reiterating your facts will often be enough to show them that they’re wrong. And even if it doesn’t change their mind, at least you’ll know that you’ve done everything you can to set the record straight.
Responding with facts can also be helpful if the other person constantly tries to put you down. Instead of getting defensive, simply state the facts. For example, if they say something like, “you’re always so lazy,” you could respond with, “I actually work hard, and I’m very productive.”, or “I’m not lazy, I just have different priorities.”
This response shows that you’re not going to take their bait, and it also puts the focus back on them. It forces them to justify their claim, which they may not be able to do.
Be calm and respectful.
It can be difficult to remain calm and respectful when you’re dealing with someone who thinks they’re always right. But it’s important to remember that you are in control of your own emotions, and you don’t have to stoop to their level.
Even if the other person is rude or disrespectful, try to remain calm and collected. If you get defensive or start arguing with them, it will only worsen the situation.
Instead, focus on being the bigger person. Respond to their comments calmly and respectfully. This will show them that you’re not going to tolerate their bad behavior. If you can keep your cool, it will be more difficult for the other person to get under your skin.
Of course, this isn’t always easy to do. If you find yourself getting worked up, take a step back and take some deep breaths. It’s also helpful to have an exit strategy in mind to walk away from the conversation if things start to get too heated.
These are just a few tips to help you deal with someone who thinks they’re always right. Remember, you don’t have to put up with their bad behavior. You can set boundaries and walk away from the conversation if it’s not going anywhere productive.
The most important thing is to remain calm and respectful. This way, you can show the other person that you’re not going to tolerate their behavior, and you can also avoid getting drawn into a never-ending cycle of arguments. Check out our article about the 10 relationship red flags you shouldn’t ignore for more insight and advice.
What are your thoughts? Do you have any tips to add? Share your thoughts and advice in the comments section below.

Lenny Terra is the founder & editor-in-chief. He’s a life coach, software engineer, freelance writer, and has a diploma in Modern Applied Psychology. Lenny has a passion for great living & beautiful design. He is married and is the father of two beautiful girls. His life’s mission is to help people improve their lives, become happier and more productive. This blog is his contribution to that goal and to the empowerment of his readers. Lenny and his family live in Texas with their two dogs.