It is no secret that women love to be complimented. And why not? It makes them feel good about themselves and happy.
Men often focus too much on the big gestures for their efforts to go unnoticed, but they don’t realize that there are many subtle ways of flirting with someone without coming across as creepy or overbearing.
This blog post will show you how to master these techniques so you can make any woman fall in love with you!
Here are 10 tips for mastering the art of subtle flirting:
Compliment her appearance.

The easiest way to compliment a girl is on their appearance. Try finding something you like about them and then tease or flirt with her by saying it! This will make the woman feel more beautiful, confident, and sexy around you while giving off a mysterious vibe at the same time.
Women love compliments, especially when it comes to their looks. Complimenting a woman on something she takes pride in will make her feel good and increase your chances of getting closer to her.
Be careful with this one because there are only so many times you can say it without coming across as creepy. To be subtle, you have to pick something that is not too obvious but still very noticeable. This will make her feel good about herself and be intrigued. For example, ‘Your eyes are so beautiful, or ‘I love your hair.
Make eye contact.
Making eye contact is a compelling way of flirting. When you make eye contact with someone, it shows that you are interested in them and want to get to know them better.
It also makes the her feel unique and important, which is always good when flirting.
The next time you see the woman you like, try making eye contact for a few seconds longer than normal. This will show her that you are interested in her and help build rapport between the two of you.
This is an essential step in mastering the art of subtle flirting. Eye contact is very important because it tells a woman that you are interested and attracted to her, which will make her feel special.
However, you don’t want to stare at her for too long, or it will creep her out! An excellent way to do this is to make eye contact and then look down for a few seconds. This will let her know that you like what you see and are interested in getting to know her better.
A smile is another excellent way to show interest in someone while subtly flirting with them. It not only looks friendly and inviting, but it also makes the person feel happy and positive.
A smile is one of the best ways to show someone that you are interested in them and get to know them better. It also makes the other person feel happy, which is always good when trying to flirt.
The next time you see the woman you like, make sure to smile at her. This will let her know that you like what you see and are interested in getting to know her better.
As with all the other points, be careful with this one. You don’t want to smile at her too much, or it will make you seem desperate. A good way to do this is to smile at her when you make eye contact.
Touch her arm or hand.
Slightly touching someone’s arm or hand is a great way to show interest while flirting. It not only makes the person feel more comfortable, but it also makes them feel like you are attracted to them.
Touching someone’s arm or hand is a great way to show interest while flirting. It not only makes her feel more comfortable, but it also makes them feel like you are attracted to them.
Touching someone’s arm or hand is a very intimate gesture and should only be used when you are already flirting with her, she is comfortable around you and filtring with you. It is an excellent way to make your intentions known because it shows that you are interested in her and sends a sexual vibe.
Please don’t overdo it, though. Touching the other person’s arm or hand should be done in moderation because you don’t want to come across as creepy or desperate.
Touch her arm or hand once in a while when you are flirting with her. This will show that you like what you see and want to get closer to the other person, and remember only to do this if the other person is comfortable with it.
Make small talk.
Small talk is a great way to get to know someone without coming across as too aggressive or creepy. Talking about things that both of you are interested in helps build rapport between the two of you while flirting subtly at the same time.
It can be anything from talking about the weather to a movie you both saw or something funny that happened to you in the past. If she is interested in you, she will start to engage in the conversation, and if not, you can always move on to someone else.
Make an observation about something she does or says.
Another great way to subtly flirt is by making small observations about her.
If you notice something specific about her, it shows that you like what you see and tell the other person that she has your attention and interest.
For example, if a woman at work wears a new pair of earrings every day or always has a cup of coffee in the afternoon, make an observation out loud about either one of those things the next time you are around them.
This will show her that you have been paying attention to her and express your interest without being too aggressive or creepy. This simple technique is one of the best ways to flirt with someone without making it obvious! The trick here is not only complimenting them but also teasing them (in a good way).
For instance, if the woman you like always has a cup of coffee in the afternoon, say something like, “I see you’re a coffee addict! I can’t believe someone as pretty as you drink so much coffee!”
Teasing someone can be an excellent way to flirt subtly because not only do they know how you feel about them, but they are entertained at the same time. Just make sure don’t go overboard with teasing; otherwise, it could come across as mean or even creepy!
You could say something like, “I’m not sure if I should be flattered or terrified that you’re always following me around.” Another example would be, “Wow, I can’t believe you’re always doing your work so fast. I think there’s something wrong with you!” or “You make the rest of us look bad.”
Be funny.
Women love a sense of humor in men, and nothing is a bigger turn-on for them than a man who can make them laugh.

By being funny, you show the other person that you are confident and comfortable in your own skin.
Not only that, but it also makes you more attractive to them because a sense of humor is one of the most important things women look for in a man.
So, next time you’re around the woman you like, joke around with them.
If you don’t know what to say, joke about the situation both of you are in or make a witty remark about something random.
Make sure not to be too mean-spirited when joking because if she doesn’t think it’s funny or finds your humor offensive, then this can backfire and ruin any chance you have with her.
Be playful and engage in conversation with her you’re interested in without being too serious or intense. Playful flirting is a great way to show the other person that you are interested in them without being too aggressive or creepy.
Use body language.
Remember to use some good body language when flirting with someone as well! If your body is turned towards them and open (meaning palms out instead of on the hips), it shows that you’re interested and looking for a connection. On top of that, smiling can go a long way in making her feel comfortable and at ease around you.
Leaning in toward them also shows that you’re engaged in the conversation and want to get closer to them. However, make sure not to invade their personal space, or it might make them feel uncomfortable.
Overall, use your best judgment when it comes to body language – if it feels comfortable with the girl, then you are probably doing a great job!
Be confident.
Be confident when you are around the woman you like!
There is nothing sexier than a man who knows what he wants and isn’t afraid to show it.
When you exude confidence, it shows the other person that you like them and makes them feel more comfortable around you. It also makes you more attractive and gives the other person the impression that you are a high-value man.
Show you are confident in yourself by your body language and how you speak. Make eye contact, stand up straight, and speak in a clear and confident voice. The more confidence you show, the better your chances of getting the woman you like to notice you!
Be careful not to come across as too confident. If you’re cocky or arrogant, it can be a turn-off for the other person because they will see you as too full of yourself. Just be genuine and humble when you are around the woman you like, and let your confidence come from within.
Don’t be creepy! If they are not responding positively, then back off immediately.
There is a fine line between being subtle and coming off as creepy. It’s essential to pay attention to body language, tone of voice, etc.
Pay special attention if the woman you’re talking with appears hesitant or uncomfortable around your advances. Suppose they are not responding positively, then back off immediately. The last thing you want is for them to feel harassed. If you’re not sure, it’s best to avoid the person altogether.
Don’t be creepy! Please don’t overdo it when trying to flirt with someone. Remember that being subtle is very different from being shy or insecure about your flirting skills.
If you’re not getting a positive response, then stop! If the person is trying to avoid talking to you or runs away every time they see you coming, then it’s best just to give up.
Don’t get frustrated or angry because this will only make things worse! Women can sense these feelings in men, so try your best to remain calm and respect her wishes. If she says she’s not interested, then back off immediately and don’t bother her anymore.
There are plenty of other people around who would love your attention – so don’t waste your time on someone who doesn’t like you back.
The whole point is to be very subtle and let the other person come to their own conclusions. If you are too aggressive, it will most likely backfire, and they will think you’re just a creep.
Remember, the key to subtle flirting is to be confident and comfortable in your own skin. Be funny, playful, and engaging without being too serious or intense. And most importantly, don’t be creepy!
Now that you know the basics of flirting subtly, why not put them into practice? The next time you see the woman you like – whether at work, school, or in social settings – make an effort to engage her in conversation and get closer to her. The more you practice, the better you will get at it!
And remember, if you’re really struggling with the whole flirting thing, then it might be helpful to get some outside help. There are plenty of dating coaches out there who can provide their expertise on dating and even give you one-on-one coaching so that your confidence will grow slowly but surely!
What other tips do you have for men who want to master the art of subtle flirting? Do you have any personal experiences to share? Leave a comment below and let us know!

Marcella Raskin is a passionate and articulate writer who has dedicated her life to studying human potential. She has studied Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Life Purpose Coaching, Group Life Coaching. She loves helping women (and men) explore themselves through writing, which allows for an exploration into one’s thoughts on entrepreneurship or personal development topics such as mindset-shaping techniques that can positively shape someone’s perspectives about themselves when they don’t think it could ever happen! She practices sports and has studied Exercise Physiology. She is married and the mother of two girls.