There are a few movies every man needs to watch. These movies will not only entertain you, but they’ll also change your perspective on life and teach you something about yourself. Whether you’re looking for an action film or drama, we’ve got the perfect movie to fit your interests.
The Godfather.
What is this movie about?
This crime drama tells the story of Vito Corleone, who takes control of his family’s mafia business after the murder of his father. The movie follows his rise as a mafia leader and how he can protect his family from all kinds of threats.
This classic crime drama shows you how to be a leader and rise up in the world. The story is based on the novel by Mario Puzo and follows Vito Corleone as he builds a criminal empire. The sequels follow his son, Michael Corleone, taking over the family business.
What does this movie teach us about life?
This movie teaches you that you need to think big and go for what’s in your heart to be successful. It also shows us that you need to be tough and stand up for what’s right for you and the importance of family and loyalty. It also teaches you about the dangers of being in a criminal empire.
How can we apply this in our life?
This movie can help you learn about the importance of family values and loyalty. It can also show you the consequences of making bad choices. If you’re looking for a good crime drama, then The Godfather is perfect for you.
Who should watch this movie?
This movie is perfect for anyone who wants to learn more about the mafia underworld. It’s also an excellent movie for men who wish to learn more about the impact of their actions.
Forrest Gump.
What is this movie about?
This classic drama tells the story of Forrest Gump, who has a low IQ but can achieve great things. The movie follows his life as he meets different people and experiences historical events. This movie is about more than just Forrest Gump. It’s about the people he meets and their impact on his life.
What does this movie teach us about life?
This movie teaches you that anyone can achieve anything if they set their mind to it. It also shows you the importance of following your heart and living in the moment. Forrest Gump is an example of how you can always make the best of it no matter what life throws at you.
How can we apply this in our life?
This movie will help you learn to live in the moment and not worry about the past or future. It’s a good reminder that we only have one shot at life, so we should make the most out of it. If you’re looking for a classic drama, then Forrest Gump is perfect for you.
Who should watch this movie?
This movie is perfect for any man who wants to learn more about life and the possibilities that are out there. It’s also an excellent movie for men who want to be inspired by a good story.
Being There.
What is this movie about?
Being There tells the story of Chance, a simple-minded man who has spent his entire life inside the walls of his home. When he’s forced to leave his house, he begins to experience the outside world for the first time and learns about the power of words.
What does this movie teach us about life?
This movie teaches you that it’s essential to be aware of your surroundings and what’s happening in the world around you. It also shows you the importance of communication and how words can have a powerful impact on people’s lives. Being There will help any man become more understanding and compassionate towards others.
How can we apply this in our life?
This movie will remind you to be humble and aware of your surroundings. It’s a great reminder that we need to open our eyes and take the time to notice what’s going on around us, no matter how small it may seem at first glance.
Who should watch this movie?
This is perfect for any man who wants an entertaining film with a powerful message behind it. It’s also a good choice for men who wish to learn more about consideration and understanding.
What is this movie about?
Rocky tells the story of Rocky Balboa, a small-time boxer who gets a chance to fight in the world heavyweight championship. The movie follows his training and how he can achieve his dream.
This boxing drama is based on the true story of Rocky Marciano, who was an Italian-American boxer from Philadelphia. It’s an excellent movie for any man who wants to learn more about boxing or sportsmanship.
What does this movie teach us about life?
This movie teaches you that anything is possible if you set your mind to it. It also shows you the importance of hard work and determination. Rocky Balboa is an example of how anyone can become a champion with the right mindset.
How can we apply this in our life?
This movie will help you stay motivated and work hard to achieve your goals. It’s a great reminder that you need discipline to get ahead in life. If you’re looking for an inspirational movie, then Rocky is perfect for you.
Who should watch this movie?
If you like sports or boxing movies, then Rocky is perfect for anyone who wants to see what it takes to succeed in these types of careers. This is also a good choice for struggling men who still have hope for their future.
Saving Private Ryan.
What is this movie about?
Saving Private Ryan tells the story of a group of soldiers sent to find Private Ryan, whose three brothers have all died in combat. The movie follows their mission and the impact it has on them. This great war drama shows you the sacrifices soldiers made during World War II.
What does this movie teach us about life?
This epic war film teaches you how important it is to stand up for what’s right no matter what. It also shows you how much courage men are willing to show when fighting for something bigger than themselves. Saving Private Ryan will help any man become more aware of his responsibilities and those around him.
How can we apply this in our life?
This classic drama reminds us that every action matters because there are always consequences involved with whatever choices you make. It’s a good reminder that we need to take responsibility for our choices and put others before ourselves from time to time.
Who should watch this movie?
This is perfect for any man who wants to learn more about courage and how much it takes to stand up for what you believe in. It’s also a good choice for men who wish to understand the consequences of war.
The Pursuit of Happiness.
What is this movie about?
The Pursuit of Happiness tells the story of Chris Gardner, a man who goes from being homeless to becoming a successful stockbroker. The movie follows his journey and the obstacles he overcomes to achieve his dreams.
What does this movie teach us about life?
This movie teaches you that anything is possible if you’re willing to work for it. It also shows you how important it is to have a positive outlook on life, no matter what challenges you face. The Pursuit of Happiness will help any man become more optimistic about his future.
How can we apply this in our life?
This film will help you stay motivated during tough times. It’s a great reminder that success is within reach if you’re willing to put in the hard work. If you’re looking for an inspiring movie, then The Pursuit of Happiness is perfect for you.
Who should watch this movie?
This movie is perfect for any man who wants to learn more about achieving his goals. It’s also a good choice for struggling men but still, have hope for their future.
What is this movie about?
Amélie is a quirky and charming French film about a young woman who decides to change her life by helping others. She starts by anonymously leaving small gifts for the people she meets, which eventually leads to bigger things.
What does this movie teach us about life?
This movie teaches you that it’s essential to help others whenever you can. It also shows you how easy it is to make a difference in someone’s life, even if it’s just a tiny gesture. Amélie will inspire you to be more generous and compassionate towards others.
How can we apply this in our life?
This film will encourage you to do something nice for somebody else. It’s a great reminder that kindness is contagious and has the power to change someone’s life. If you’re looking for an inspiring movie, Amélie will inspire you to be more positive about your future.
Who should watch this movie?
This film is perfect for men who want to feel inspired by watching an incredible story. It’s also great for anybody who wants some good advice on how they can make their community a better place!
Slumdog Millionaire.
What is this movie about?
Slumdog Millionaire tells the story of Jamal Malik, who’s living in poverty but dreams about becoming a successful game show host. The movie follows his journey and how he overcomes numerous obstacles to achieve success. This emotional drama will have you on the edge of your seat from start to finish.
What does this movie teach us about life?
This film teaches you how important it is to follow your heart even when everyone around you thinks otherwise. It also shows you the importance of never giving up no matter what challenges are ahead of you in life because anything can happen if you’re willing to fight for it. Slumdog Millionaire will help any man stay positive during tough times and become more motivated to achieve his goals.
How can we apply this in our life?
This movie is a great reminder that anything is possible if you’re willing to put in the hard work. It also teaches us that it’s important to never give up on our dreams, no matter how impossible they may seem. If you’re looking for an inspiring movie, then Slumdog Millionaire is perfect for you.
Who should watch this movie?
This movie is perfect for any man who wants to learn more about achieving his goals. It’s also great for anyone who needs a little inspiration during tough times. If you’re looking for an emotional drama that will keep you entertained, then Slumdog Millionaire is a perfect choice.
The Intouchables.
What is this movie about?
The Intouchables tells the story of Driss, a young man from the streets who is hired to care for Philippe, a wealthy quadriplegic. Despite their differences, the two men develop a strong bond.
What does this movie teach us about life?
This movie teaches you that anyone can be friends if they’re willing to open up their hearts and mind. It also shows you how important it is to have someone there for you when you need them most. The Intouchables will make any man more compassionate towards others.
How can we apply this in our life?
Watching this movie will help you appreciate all the people in your life. It’s a fun reminder that everyone has something to offer, even if they seem different or struggle with their own challenges. If you want to make friends and be more compassionate towards others, then The Intouchables is perfect for you.
This film will help you understand and accept other people’s differences. It’s a great movie to watch if you want to learn how to be more tolerant.
Who should watch this movie?
This movie is perfect for any man who wants to become more compassionate and understanding toward others. It’s also an excellent choice for men who have trouble opening up to other people.
Monty Python’s Life of Brian.
What is this movie about?
Monty Python’s Life of Brian tells the story of a young Jewish man who lives in Judea during the first century. This man is mistaken for a messiah and struggles to escape from his followers, who believe that he can lead them in the battle against their Roman oppressors.
What does this movie teach us about life?
This film will make you see the funny side of life and how easy it is to make mistakes. Life of Brian will remind you that no matter what challenges come your way, there’s always a solution if you’re willing to look for one.
How can we apply this in our life?
If you’re going through a tough time, watch Life of Brian and remember that there’s always another way to solve any problem. This movie will help you stay positive in the face of adversity and laugh at yourself when things get out of hand.
Watching Monty Python’s Life of Brian will help bring more laughter into your life. It also teaches us not to take ourselves too seriously, even when times are challenging or stressful. This film reminds men that they should never stop looking for new adventures and experiences because every day is worth living!
Who should watch this movie?
If you want an entertaining movie about self-discovery, then Monty Python’s Life of Brian is perfect for you. If you’re looking for a film that will make you laugh, this is also the ideal choice.
The movies on this list are perfect for escaping the monotony of your everyday life. These films will challenge, inspire and shake up how you think about things.
They’ll take you out of your comfort zone in a good way – they’re not all action or comedy flicks! So what are you waiting for? Pick one that looks interesting, and get watching! We hope these 10 movies have inspired some great movie nights with friends and family.
What was your favorite movie from our top ten list? Let us know in the comments below!

Matthew Mansour is a professional life coach, fitness trainer, health coach, a blogger with over 800 articles published to date. He enjoys reading and researching books that are reflective of the nature of who we are as humans, understanding the complexity of our minds, and using it as an advantage to propel us forward in life.
He is a self-help enthusiast and he is not ashamed about it! He’s always looking for his next fix of inspiration, motivation, insight, and wisdom from those who have been there before him!
He also does a lot of courses and research on the latest and greatest in the area of self-help, life coaching, and health.
He likes to share his discoveries with anyone who is interested in listening! His personal goal is to help people achieve great results in their lives, that is why he also has a blog about self-improvement.
He loves animals and he currently lives in New Jersey with his loving wife and his recently born child.