While the era of the laconic cowboy is long gone, society today seems to advocate speaking at length. Many fear being awkward or unintelligible if they talk too little. This cannot be further from the truth. Few words can work wonders in business and life all around.
You might remember the “less is more” mantra from your high school English class. This old saying is still true today in most cases. The ability to express oneself succinctly is a valuable skill in a world where everyone is trying to be heard.
Even if you speak enough, a few words can indeed work wonders. The more you say, the more potential there is for error. Even worse when your goal is to sound clever or profound.
In today’s speech-obsessed world, the effect of saying less is more remarkable. The following ten reasons show why you should be a man of few words:
Fewer words can make a more powerful impact.
The power of saying few words is often underestimated. When you genuinely know what you want to say, saying it concisely has a much more substantial impact than if you ramble on. Often, people are so busy trying to fill up the silence that they end up saying nothing of value.

If you want to be remembered, say less.
The fewer words you use, the more likely it will be remembered. This is because people pay more attention to rare things. And when it comes to speaking, few men take the time to choose their words.
Walking into a boardroom and announcing you have a solution to the company’s biggest problem is more impressive than speaking for an hour on the same topic. When you have something important to say, say it in as few words as possible.
Everyone is familiar with the story of Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address. While he spoke for only two minutes, his words live forever in history. Had he spoken at length on the same topic, perhaps we would not be discussing it today.
You’ll make fewer mistakes.
Making mistakes is a part of life. However, the fewer words you use, the less opportunity to make mistakes. When you speak more, you are more likely to say something wrong or inaccurate. And once it’s out there, it’s hard to take back.
When you make a mistake, it can lead to confusion or embarrassment.
It might even cost you a job opportunity or potential client. However, if you say less, there are fewer opportunities for things to go wrong and better opportunities for you to be accurate.
Fewer words mean fewer opportunities to contradict yourself.
Being a man of few words is also about thinking before you speak. This way, you won’t contradict yourself, and you can ensure that your point is clear.
When you speak a lot, you’re more likely to ramble on.
And when it comes to speaking, men often get excited and jump from one idea to another. It’s better to wait until you have something important to say before speaking up.
Fewer words mean less effort.
Another advantage of speaking fewer words is that it takes less effort. When you talk more, you have to put more effort into making your point clear. And if you’re not careful, you might ramble on and on.
When you speak less, you make it easier for the other person to understand you. This is because you’re not speaking as fast, and you’re taking the time to choose your words carefully.
You might also find that you need to speak less when you’re tired or feeling overwhelmed. In these cases, it’s better to take a few minutes to collect your thoughts before you start speaking.
When it comes to speaking, few words require less energy than many words. By offering too much information, you are doing more work for yourself. You have to sort through your ideas, organize your thoughts and then translate them into words on the spot. Also, you need to keep track of what you’re saying so that your ideas are clear to the person you’re talking to.
Not only does speaking fewer words make less of a cognitive load on your brain, but it also takes less energy.
Fewer words mean fewer interruptions.

Another benefit of speaking fewer words is that you become harder to interrupt. This means that you speak less, and others listen more. Rather than interrupting you, they wait until you’re done so that you can finish your point.
People are more likely to interrupt you when you speak for too long because they don’t want to listen or there is no value in what you’re saying.
Interruptions are common when there’s a lot of verbal chatter. However, if you speak less, other people have fewer opportunities to cut in and steal your thunder.
If you want the other person to hear your point, it’s better to speak for a minute or two and then pause. This will give them a chance to think about what you said, and they might even ask you questions.
You sound smarter.
Believe it or not, when you speak briefly, people tend to think you’re brighter than speaking at length. This is because taking the time to choose your words carefully shows that you value intelligence and insight.
It’s true. The more you speak, the stupider you sound. You could be the most knowledgeable man in your area of expertise. Still, if you don’t know how to convey that information powerfully in a short space, then you are likely to lose people’s interest or bore them half to death with no benefit other than showing off your many words.
When you speak at length, it’s easy to ramble on and sound uneducated. However, if you limit yourself to a few words, you come across as educated and well-spoken. People will assume that you are intelligent based on the number of words you use.
You can listen more when you speak less.
When you speak fewer words, you will have more time to focus on what the other person is saying. By doing this, you will understand them better and build a better relationship with them.
In a world where everyone is always talking, being a man who can listen is a rare and valuable commodity. So, the next time you are in a conversation, try to limit yourself to just a few words at a time. You might be surprised at how much better you will listen and communicate that way.
When you’re not busy talking, you have more opportunities to listen. Listening is one of the most important skills you can possess. Not only does it show that you respect the person you’re talking to, but it also allows you to gain valuable insights.
You’ll come across as more confident.
When you speak less, there is less room for error. This means you won’t stumble over your words or sound unsure of yourself. People will assume that you know what you’re talking about based on speaking.
When a man speaks too much, they often come across as insecure because they’re worried that it’s not loud enough or clear enough, or interesting enough.
However, when you speak briefly, you come across as a confident individual who knows what they’re talking about.
So, the next time you have to give a presentation or talk to someone important, try speaking fewer words. You’ll be surprised at how much better it will make you sound.
You’ll be more persuasive.
When you speak less, you have more time to think about what you will say. This means that your points will be more well-thought-out and persuasive.

To be persuasive, you need to be clear and concise. You also need to ensure that your points are relevant to the conversation.
By speaking less, you won’t ramble on about irrelevant points, and you will be able to get your point across with much more clarity.
When men speak too much, they come across as desperate because they feel like they have to fill all the space in the conversation. Men who speak for extended periods are more likely to ramble on about irrelevant things because there is so much room for error.
When you have something important to say, it’s better to speak less.
This will allow other people to focus all of their attention on what you’re saying, and it will give them a chance to think carefully about your words before responding.
Credibility is built on trust, and most people will make decisions based on how you speak.
If they sense that you’re intelligent and well-spoken, they will be more likely to believe what you have to say.
When someone speaks too much, they seem less credible because it’s easier for them to say something wrong. They also become less honest because it’s harder for them to focus on the conversation.
However, when you speak briefly, you come across as a credible individual who is intelligent and well-informed. This will make people more likely to trust what you have to say.
As Plato said: “The wise man speaks because he has something to say; the fool because he has to say something.”
Few words are easier to remember and repeat.
When you speak less, it’s easier for other people to remember what you said. This means that they are more likely to think of it later on when discussing things with their friends or coworkers.
People are more likely to remember what you said when you speak briefly. This is because your points are easier to remember and repeat.
To be remembered, you need to be clear and concise. You also must make sure that your points are interesting and relevant to the conversation.
By speaking less, you’ll be able to make a bigger impact with fewer words.
Words are ineffective when a man speaks too much because their points are quickly forgotten. Furthermore, when a guy speaks for a longer period, they are more likely to ramble on about irrelevant things.
Sometimes you will need to use more words.
You must be thinking that this article is contradicting itself. How can you be a man of few words but still use more words when necessary?
The answer is simple: Some things are more complex or nuanced and can’t be said in a few words. In these cases, it’s necessary to use more words to explain your point correctly.
If you are writing an article (like this one), it’s essential to use more words to clarify your points. You will have more time to edit your words, make sure that you’re saying exactly what you want to say, and think about how you can effectively communicate your ideas.
You must give examples, use analogies, and provide evidence to support your argument. You need to answer the counterarguments and objections that people might have. The reader can stop, re-read your points, and think carefully about what you’re saying. They can also read at their own pace, skip to the most relevant sections, and return later to read the rest of the article.
When speaking in person, it’s more difficult (or impossible) to do all of this because you only have a limited amount of time. Your points might be forgotten because you must keep going over the same topics. You also need to speak in a way that’s easy for people to understand and follow, so they can fully grasp your argument.
Many words are harder to remember and repeat. People can’t skip or skim when they’re listening to you speak. They can’t re-read your points to make sure they understand them. They also can’t come back later to hear what you say.
Furthermore, if the conversation is not exciting or engaging, people will stop paying attention and won’t be as likely to remember what you said.
It can be embarrassing and inconvenient for people if they remember something wrong. When you speak fewer words, it’s more likely that someone will remember your point correctly because there is less of a chance that they will forget what you said.
Professions and situations.

If you are a reporter, you will also need to use more words to get all of the facts and quotes that you need.
This means you must be prepared to ask many questions and listen carefully to what people are saying.
Suppose you are working on a school project.
Then, it’s important to use more words to explain your argument and evidence. This means you need to do your research, organize your thoughts, and write a clear and concise paper.
When recording a YouTube video, it’s important to use more words to get your point across.
This means that you need to be well-prepared, rehearsed, and have a clear message that you want to share with your audience. They can pause, re-watch your video, and take notes. The same happens for podcasting, documentaries, and interviews.
If you are with a group of friends or on a date and want to stay relevant in the conversation, you will need to use more words.
This means that you won’t be able to just sit back and relax or zone out. You’ll have to continuously re-focus your attention on what’s happening in the conversation so that you can say something when it matters.
When I say fewer words, I’m referring to using fewer words overall, not stopping using words altogether. You need to use words when it’s necessary, but you also need to be mindful of your word count, especially when you’re speaking and if you tend to use filler words.
Filler words are the unnecessary words that men use when they are trying to fill up space or time. They can be phrases like “um,” “like,” “you know,” and “so.”
These words can make you sound unsure of yourself, unprofessional, and unprepared. They can also make you sound like you’re not interested in the conversation or that you’re not paying attention.
Not always the best option.
Speaking fewer words is not always the best option. You need to use more words when it’s necessary to communicate effectively. However, using fewer words is the way to go in many other situations.
Books need to be longer.
No matter what type of book you’re writing, it will need to have many more words because there is more time and space for you to tell your story and convey the information you want to share with the reader.
A course you’re taking might require more words.
This is because professors want to ensure that students have all of the information they need to understand the topic. In this case, it’s necessary to use more words to explain the concepts and theories that you’re learning about. They will complement the spoken lectures with written articles and assignments.
The same happens for essays, research papers, dissertations, and other types of academic writing.
This type of writing requires more words to provide a comprehensive and well-rounded argument.
When you speak your mind, you don’t have a chance to think about what you’re saying.
It’s essential to think carefully about the words you’re using and get them exactly right.
You don’t have time to edit your words down when you’re speaking off the cuff. When you only have a limited amount of time, it’s easy for people to misunderstand what you’re saying. This makes it hard for people to understand your point and fully grasp your argument or disagree with it.
Being a man of few words means that you don’t use unnecessary words. You only speak when you have something important to say. This is something that people can appreciate and respect.
So, why should you be a man of few words? Because it will make you more effective and persuasive. You’ll come across as someone who knows what they’re talking about and is worth listening to. Your points will be remembered more easily, and people will be less likely to misunderstand you. And most importantly, you’ll have more time to think carefully about what you’re saying and ensure that your argument is well-constructed and easy to follow.
What do you think? Do you think that being a man of few words is the way to go, or do you prefer to talk more? Let me know in the comments below!

Marcella Raskin is a passionate and articulate writer who has dedicated her life to studying human potential. She has studied Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Life Purpose Coaching, Group Life Coaching. She loves helping women (and men) explore themselves through writing, which allows for an exploration into one’s thoughts on entrepreneurship or personal development topics such as mindset-shaping techniques that can positively shape someone’s perspectives about themselves when they don’t think it could ever happen! She practices sports and has studied Exercise Physiology. She is married and the mother of two girls.