When it comes to knowing if a female coworker likes you, the signs aren’t always obvious. She may hide her feelings for you out of fear of rejection or because she doesn’t want to jeopardize her job. But there are some telltale signs that she may harbor a secret crush on you. Here are 10 signs a female coworker secretly likes you.
She mirrors your body language.
When you lean forward, she leans forward. When you sit back, she sits back. She is attuned to your every movement, and her own movements reflect yours. It’s as if she is a reflection of you, a living mirror.

This can be both a good and a bad thing. On the one hand, it creates a sense of closeness and rapport between you and her.
You feel like you are on the same wavelength, attuned to each other. On the other hand, it can be disconcerting, even weird. You may feel like she is trying to control you or copy you. But more likely, she is just trying to show you that she likes you and wants to be like you.
Either way, it’s fascinating to watch and experience.
If you want to know whether or not a woman is interested in you, pay attention to her body language. She will often mirror your body language to show her interest and engagement in the conversation. By reading her nonverbal cues, you can get a good sense of whether or not she is attracted to you.
She accidentally touches you a lot.
She touches your arm when she laughs, brushes your hand when she reaches for something, or accidentally steps on your foot.
It’s not that she is clumsy (although she may be). She is touching you a lot because she likes you and wants to be close to you.
Accidental touch is a way of establishing physical contact without being too obvious about it. And it’s a way of gauging your reaction to her touch. If you don’t mind, she will probably do it more.
When someone likes you, they will often find excuses to touch you. So if she touches you a lot, it’s a promising indication that she wants you.
“Is she flirting with me?” is often the first question people ask when they feel someone is giving them too much attention. While she may be just a touchy person, it’s more likely that she likes you and is trying to flirt with you.
She goes out of her way to help you with projects.
If you are working on a project and she offers to help, it’s a great signal that she likes you. She is probably trying to find ways to spend more time with you.
She may genuinely want to help you with the project, but she is also using it as an excuse to spend more time with you.
So if she offers to help you with a project, take her up on it. It will give you a chance to get to know each other better.
She laughs at all of your jokes (even the bad ones).
She may not think you’re as funny as you think you are, but she is laughing anyway because she likes you. Women laugh when they are interested in a man. It shows that she enjoys your company and wants to spend more time with you. If she constantly laughs at your jokes, it’s a good sign that she is interested in you.
There are other ways to tell if a woman is interested in you, but laughter is definitely one of the most important signs. If she is laughing at your jokes, it means she is having a good time with you and wants to keep the conversation going.
So, if you want to know if a woman is interested in you, pay attention to whether she is laughing at your jokes. It could indicate that she likes you and wants to get to know you better.
Inside jokes.
If you and her share many inside jokes, it’s a good sign that she likes you. An inside joke is something only the two of you understand. It’s a shared experience or memory that only the two of you have.
Inside jokes are a way of showing that you have a strong connection with someone. So if she frequently refers to inside jokes, it’s a promising indication that she likes you and wants to strengthen the bond between you.
You catch her looking at you when she thinks you’re not looking.
When you catch her looking at you, she quickly looks away and pretends she wasn’t staring. You can tell she’s interested in you, but she’s too shy to make a move.

If you catch her staring at you, it’s a good sign that she is interested in you. Don’t make it too obvious that you know she was staring, or she may feel embarrassed. Instead, when you make eye contact, try giving her a friendly smile or casually striking up a conversation. If she responds positively, then you can take things from there.
She will often blush when they are around you. Blushing is a way of showing that she is attracted to you and feels nervous in your presence.
She also may compliment your clothing, your work, or your ideas. Compliments are a way of showing that she likes you and admires you.
Of course, she may just be a nice person and compliment everyone. But if she only compliments you, it’s a good sign that she has a crush on you.
She always has a smile for you.
A genuine smile is the most beautiful thing in the world, and if your coworker always has a smile for you, it’s definitely one of the signs she secretly likes you.
Try to smile back at her and see if she reciprocates the gesture. If she does, it’s a sure sign that she’s interested in you.
A smile is the most universal sign of affection. It can be difficult to tell if someone is just being friendly or if they actually like you. But if you notice that your female coworker always has a smile for you and not for anyone else, it’s a sign that she likes you.
She remembers the things you tell her.
One of the best ways to know if someone likes you is if they remember the things you tell them. If she always remembers the things you tell her, it’s a promising sign that she secretly likes you.
For example, if you tell her about your weekend plans, she might bring it up later in the conversation. Or, if you mention that you’re having a tough day, she might check in with you to see how you’re doing. These are all signs that she’s interested in you and wants to know more about your life.
She always wants to know about your personal life.
Another one of the subtle signs a colleague likes you is if she’s always asking about your personal life.
She might ask about your family, hobbies, or dating life. If she’s interested in you, she’ll want to know everything she can about you.
One way to tell if she’s just being friendly or secretly likes you is to see how she reacts when you talk about other women.
If she gets jealous or seems uncomfortable when you talk about other women, it’s a great indication that she likes you. Another way to tell is if she asks you personal questions that she wouldn’t ask a friend.
For example, she might ask if you see anyone or are single. These are all signs that she’s interested in you and wants to know more about your personal life.
When you like someone, you automatically start to trust them. If your female coworker likes you, she will likely trust you with important information or secrets.
This is a way of showing that she trusts you and feels comfortable confiding in you. It also indicates that she wants to have a closer relationship with you.
She may also confide in you about her personal life or share secrets with you that she wouldn’t share with anyone else. This is a sure sign that she likes you and wants to have a closer relationship with you.
She’s always around when you’re working late and invites you to lunch.
There’s nothing like working late to bring out people’s hidden feelings for each other. If she is always around when you’re working late, and there’s no reason for her to be there, it’s an obvious sign that she likes you.
When a woman likes you, she’ll find any excuse to be around you. So, if she’s always hanging around when you’re working late, it means she’s interested in you and wants to spend more time with you.
If your coworker is always trying to find ways to spend more time with you outside of work, it means she likes you.
She might invite you to lunch or coffee or ask you to join her after work for drinks. These are all signs that she’s interested in you.
These are just a few of the signs a female coworker secretly likes you. If you’re interested in a woman at work, pay attention to her body language and see if she’s exhibiting any of these signs. If she shows more than four or five of these signs, there’s a good chance she likes you but is too shy to admit it.

Marcella Raskin is a passionate and articulate writer who has dedicated her life to studying human potential. She has studied Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Life Purpose Coaching, Group Life Coaching. She loves helping women (and men) explore themselves through writing, which allows for an exploration into one’s thoughts on entrepreneurship or personal development topics such as mindset-shaping techniques that can positively shape someone’s perspectives about themselves when they don’t think it could ever happen! She practices sports and has studied Exercise Physiology. She is married and the mother of two girls.