Dining Etiquette is a topic that most men are not too familiar with. It’s true; most of us have been to an upscale restaurant or a dinner party before and know how to behave at the table. But, some finer details regarding dining etiquette are often overlooked.
This article will give you all the information you need about dining etiquette for men so you can be sure to impress your date, friends, boss, or business partner!
Dress appropriately.
When heading to an upscale restaurant or dinner party, it is always important to dress appropriately. This means no jeans, sneakers, or T-shirts. Instead, you should wear a nice button-up shirt or polo and pants that are well-fitted.

If the event calls for it, some men may wear a suit and tie if they have one handy. Although not required in most cases, wearing this kind of attire shows that you respect the other guests at the table and the event itself.
Do not forget to wear well-kept shoes!
You do not want your feet distracting anyone else at the table, especially a date or business partner. However, you do not have to wear dress shoes or anything uncomfortable. Just make sure your feet are clean and presentable.
Bring a nice belt with you so you can ensure your pants fit properly around the waist area of your body. There should be no sagging or bunching up near the stomach area when sitting down at the table.
For example, if the event is a black-tie affair, you will want to wear a tuxedo. If the event is more casual, like a barbecue or family gathering, you can wear a button-down shirt with khaki pants.
If it is an evening affair or there will be many people attending the event, it is usually best to stick with dark colors. This way, you will not call too much attention to yourself if many other people in attendance are also dressed up.
Dressing appropriately for a formal event is key to looking like a gentleman.
When dressing, remember that it is not always about what you look like when standing up. You also need to look presentable when sitting at the table or during any other interaction with others. When it comes to hair, keep it trimmed and styled nicely. If you have a beard or mustache, make sure it is well-groomed and not too overgrown. No one wants to see food caught in your facial hair!
Finally, remember that less is more when it comes to cologne. A light scent is always best, especially if you will be around other people all night. Just make sure you do not wear too much to notice.
Arrive on Time.
You must arrive at the event on time. Do not show up too early or late, and make sure you know the start time.
It is never appropriate to show up late to an event. If you are running late, try to give the host or event organizer a call as soon as possible so they can update everyone on your arrival time. This is especially important if dinner is already being served and you are not there yet. You do not want to be the man who makes everyone wait for their food while they are hungry.
If you arrive early, it is best to wait in the car or outside until it is time for the event to start. Do not go into the home or venue until the host invites you.
Arriving on time shows that you respect both the event and the other guests who have already arrived.
Finally, if the event is running behind schedule, do not rush the host or organizer to get people started. Respect their time by waiting patiently until everyone is ready to start eating and enjoying the event. Doing otherwise will show that you have poor manners, which is never a good trait in someone who wants to look like a gentleman! You should always be patient when others are running late.
Etiquette is all about showing respect and consideration towards others.
This is because it can lead to other problems down the road if you are not careful! Remember, etiquette is all about showing respect and consideration towards others in any situation or environment. This means when someone else shows up late at an event with you, do your best to be patient and understanding of their situation. You do not want to cause a scene because you are upset about waiting for them!
For example, if your date is late and everyone else has already started eating dinner without her, try to be patient and understand the situation. Don’t make an embarrassing scene by making rude comments or saying anything that would embarrass either one of you. Just be polite and understanding, and let her take her time to get settled in.
It can be difficult to show patience when others are running late, but it is one of the most important aspects of being a gentleman!
Use Proper Utensils.
One of the most important aspects of dining etiquette is using proper utensils. This means knowing which utensils to use for each course and how to hold them properly.
You should always use the most appropriate utensil for each food item. This is especially important for eating foods that are unique in shape or size. For example, if you have a steak on your plate, you should use a fork and knife.
If the steak is covered in sauce, you can use your fork to help scoop the sauce up before putting it in your mouth.
However, if you are eating a salad, you should use a fork and not a knife. Use the fork to spear the salad and bring it to your mouth. You should never cut salad with a knife!
Rules you should follow.
When it comes to using utensils, there are also some general rules that you should follow. For example, you should never use your hands to eat food. This is considered very rude and improper etiquette. The only exception to this rule is when you eat an item specifically meant to be eaten with your hands, such as a piece of fruit or a portion of bread.
In addition, you should never put your utensils down on the table between bites. This is considered poor manners and shows that you have poor table manners. Instead, set your utensils down on the plate after using them, so they are ready for you to use next.
When it comes to utensils, remember that the proper way to hold a fork is with your index finger placed on the top of the handle and three fingers wrapped around it at the base. You should never hold a fork in between your index finger and thumb. This is considered bad manners! Also, remember not to stab at your food like a caveman. This is considered very rude, and it will make you look like a complete fool. Always civilly cut your food, and never use the knife to mix or scoop up items on your plate!
Handle different types of food properly.
Using proper etiquette can also mean knowing how to handle different types of food properly. This means learning what spoon to use with soup, which utensil to use when eating pasta, and other similar tricks of the trade.
Finally, try not to hold anything else while using your utensils. This includes your drink, bread, and anything else on the table.
Check out these YouTube videos if you want to see more examples of proper utensil usage:
Basic Dining Etiquette: Using Utensils:
How to use and hold cutlery:
Remember, the proper use of utensils can make or break your dining experience! Be sure to practice at home so you know what to do when you’re out dining with someone.
Glassware Etiquette.
When it comes to drinking wine, you should know a few important etiquette rules. First of all, never hold your glass with both hands when you drink. This is considered very poor manners, making people think you are a child!
Instead, always hold your glass with one hand. You can use your other hand to hold the plate or any food on it.
Also, remember not to either hold the glass by the bowl, the rim, or the base. This is considered improper etiquette, and it will make you look like a novice when it comes to wine drinking! Always hold the glass towards the base of the stem between your thumb, forefinger, and middle finger.
Although there is no actual etiquette to follow when drinking other types of beverages, such as juice or soda, it is still considered good manners to hold the glass with two hands. You can use the same rule for holding your wine glass as well.
In addition, remember that you should never pour your own drink. Instead, let someone else pour it for you, like your host or the waiter. This is considered good etiquette, and it will make you look like a polite and gracious guest.
Use a napkin to wipe any excess liquid from the sides of your mouth when you are done drinking it. Finally, always thank the waiter or host when they bring you your drink. This is a simple way to show them that you appreciate their service.
Check out this YouTube video for some more examples of glassware etiquette:
Remember that using proper etiquette when it comes to drinking will make you look like a true gentleman! Be sure to practice at home so that you know what to do when you’re out dining with someone.
Table Manners.
Now that we’ve gone over utensils and glassware let’s move on to table manners!
When sitting at the dinner table, be sure to sit up straight with your back against the chair. Do not put your elbows on the table, and do not rest your chin in your hand; this is considered very rude.
Instead, always keep your hands to yourself and only eat when everyone is ready. Do not reach across the table to grab food; instead, ask the closest person to the food to pass it to you.
Be sure to talk quietly at all times.
Talking loudly is considered very bad manners. The person you are talking to should be able to hear you without having to raise their voice, but the rest of the restaurant or dining room doesn’t need to listen to your conversation.
In addition, be sure to use good manners when you are eating. This means chewing with your mouth closed, not talking with food in your mouth, and not making any noise while eating.
In addition, do not lick your fingers or use the tablecloth as a napkin. Also, if you drop something on the floor, like bread, do not pick it up and eat it or put it back on the table. Instead, just leave it there.
When you are finished eating, place your utensils on the plate in the following order: fork on the left, knife on the right, and spoon in the middle, with all of them facing you.
If You’re Hosting, Greet Your Guests at the Door and Offer Them a Drink.
You should always be the first to arrive at any event you are hosting. It’s important to greet your guests when they come in and offer them a drink so that they feel welcome!
Once everybody has arrived, it is time for dinner to begin. When everyone is seated, wait for everyone else to start eating before beginning yourself. This will make sure nobody feels rushed or uncomfortable during their meal.
Once you’ve finished one main dish course, wait for everybody else to finish the same course before moving on to the next one. This will keep your meal from feeling rushed and disorganized!
Once you’re on dessert, feel free to eat as much or little of it as you like. Remember that food is just about having fun, so don’t stress over how fast (or slow) other people are eating their meals!
After everyone has finished dinner, remember to thank them all for coming – even if the night wasn’t perfect!
It’s essential to be polite when hosting a dining event at home. Following these simple tips will help ensure that your guests have a good time.
Dining Etiquette for When you are Eating.
When you are eating, there are a few things that you should keep in mind. First of all, always use your utensils to eat. Do not use your hands! This is considered very poor manners, making people think you are uncivilized.

Also, remember to never talk with your mouth full of food. This is considered very rude, making everyone else at the table feel uncomfortable.
Make sure that you are always chewing your food properly before swallowing it. This will help prevent you from choking, and it will also make you look more sophisticated when you are eating.
Remember not to chew with an open mouth, and always try to finish chewing your food before you speak. It’s alright if you need to pause while you are eating to gather your thoughts, but do not speak until you have swallowed all of the food in your mouth.
Always try to finish everything on your plate.
This is considered good table manners, showing that you have respect for the chef’s food.
Remember to place your napkin on your lap when you are sitting down. This is considered proper etiquette, and it will make you look like a true gentleman.
Also, try not to make any noise when eating, i.e., no chomping or slurping while drinking soup out of a spoon. This can be considered very rude in some cultures!
Wait until everyone has been served their food before beginning to eat. When it comes time for dessert, remember not to start eating until everyone at the table has been served.
If you have any questions about the food served, feel free to ask your waiter or your host. Do not ask the other guests at your table, however! This is considered poor etiquette.
Monkey See, Monkey Do.
One of the best ways to learn proper etiquette is by observing others. If you are dining with someone who has better table manners than you, try to emulate what they are doing.
One of the reasons etiquette can be so hard is that it’s not always something that we were taught in school or at home growing up. This means that people who haven’t learned proper table manners from an early age often need a little help. By watching others and mimicking them, you will find yourself mastering these simple rules quickly!
Nowadays, there are apps for smartphones that show pictures of bad dining practices and their description of how to do them correctly. It could also give tips about restaurant eating habits, such as eating with your mouth full or not speaking while chewing.
It is always important to be very open and respectful towards other people’s points of view, especially regarding dining etiquette rules. Always try out different things and see what works best for you!
Dining Etiquette for When you are Finished Eating.
When you have finished eating, remember to place your utensils on your plate in the following order: fork on the left, knife on the right. This is considered proper etiquette, and it will help show everyone that you know what you are doing when it comes to dining!
Check out this YouTube video for resting utensils properly after you have finished eating:
Remember that it is perfectly fine to take your time when dining. There is no need to rush through a meal to get back on schedule. Take your time and savor the food that you are eating!
Also, remember to place your napkin on the table in front of you when you are finished eating. This is another sign that shows that you have finished eating, and it will help make the cleaning process easier for the waitstaff.
Thank your host.
Finally, be sure to say thank you to your host or waiter for providing you with a delicious meal. A simple “thank you” is all it takes to let them know that you enjoyed their food!
When it comes time to leave the table, be sure to do so in an orderly fashion. Do not rush out; this will make you look immature. Instead, try to stand up at the same time as everyone else and wait for them to exit first before you leave yourself.
Remember not to get overly drunk while dining with others, too; if they see that you can’t hold your liquor, then they won’t take you seriously anymore! Drink responsibly so that this doesn’t happen!
Practice makes perfect!! If possible, go out on dates with someone (or visit dinner parties, etc.) where etiquette is important, so you know what’s expected of you…then practice these skills!!!
The Dos and Don’ts of Dining Etiquette For Men.
There are a few basic rules that everyone should know regarding dining etiquette. These rules are often broken, but by following them, you will be sure to make a good impression on everyone around the table! A gentleman at every meal must never forget his manners, whether at a fancy restaurant or a simple lunch with the guys.
Do: Use your utensils neatly and adequately. Do not stab at food with your fork or cut it into tiny pieces; this is considered poor etiquette because it can cause stains on the plate. Instead, use your knife to slice through meat and vegetables, then pick up each bite of food using either one or two forks, depending upon what kind of utensil they are being held in.
Don’t: Speak with your mouth full. This is one of the most common dining etiquette mistakes that people make, and it’s considered very rude. Talk when you have finished chewing and swallowing your food!
Do: Wait until everyone at the table has been served before eating. It is impolite to start eating before everyone else has had a chance to serve themselves.
Don’t: Eat like a pig. Do not make any noises while eating or eating excessively. This is considered very rude, and it can also be a sign that you have poor table manners!
Do: Use your napkin to wipe your mouth when necessary. Do not blow into the napkin because this causes germs to fly around the room; instead, use it gently on the corners of your mouth.
Don’t: Be afraid to ask questions if something doesn’t seem clear! Asking for clarification will only help you understand everything better and ensure that you follow proper etiquette during your meal. For example: “I’m sorry, I just wanted to make sure this food doesn’t contain pork. I’m allergic to it.”
Do: Be polite and respectful towards your host or waiter. Thank them for the meal and express your enjoyment of the food.
Don’t: Get drunk! Not only is it unprofessional, but you may also do something embarrassing like burp, make a loud noise or even pass out! Alcohol is not an excuse for bad behavior.
Do: Be a pleasant and well-mannered guest. Your host will want you to feel comfortable at their house, so be sure to follow all of the proper etiquette guidelines.
Don’t: Rush out of the table when you are finished eating. Be polite and wait for everyone else to end before you leave.
Do: Make sure to say goodbye to your host and thank them once again for the wonderful meal.
Don’t: Leave any mess on the table. Do not leave your dirty utensils on the table; instead, place them all neatly on your plate. Make sure to leave your napkin on the table as well.
Following these simple rules will help you be a well-mannered and polite gentleman when dining out. Remember, practice makes perfect, so be sure to get plenty of experience before attending that important dinner party! Thanks for reading!

Brenda Tillman is a Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Practitioner, a dedicated mom blogger, and a life enthusiast. She also has completed courses on Parenting Skills, Learning, and Education. She is married and is the proud mother of a boy and two girls. She loves being with her family and pets. She has been blogging for over five years now and enjoys sharing her thoughts on parenting, relationships, health & fitness as well as other topics that come up in life.