Are you a voiceless man? I know what it’s like to have a voice that doesn’t sound the way you want it to. The voice is one of the first ways people form impressions of you, and how your voice sounds can often make or break an image.
That’s why if your voice isn’t quite up to par, then there are some easy things that you can do to improve it! This blog post will detail 10 different ways men can improve their voices for better success in all aspects of life.
Speak slower, with pauses in between sentences.

When you speak too fast, it’s difficult for people to understand you and follow along. Pauses also help add emphasis to what you’re saying.
Speaking slower and with pauses will also help your voice sound more pleasant to the ear. You can even practice this by recording yourself and playing it back to see how you sound.
Many men speak too quickly because they feel like there isn’t enough time to say everything they want. However, speaking slowly will help you sound more confident because you won’t sound rushed. Just a little bit of practice will help you get the hang of it! Don’t go to the extreme of speaking like a robot, though.
It should sound natural and conversational.
Avoid shouting or talking too loudly or too softly.
When you shout, it’s difficult to understand what you’re saying, and it can also be quite tiring for the listener. It’s also unnecessary – you don’t need to shout to be heard.
Shouting makes you sound angry, and it can be challenging to understand what you’re saying. However, speaking too softly isn’t the answer either because people will have difficulty understanding you.
Instead, speak at a volume that feels natural and comfortable for you. If this is too quiet or soft to begin with, then try recording yourself to see what it sounds like from an outside point of view. Then slowly get used to speaking up until your voice sounds loud enough but not shouting!
If you’re in a place that’s too noisy for speaking, it is acceptable to raise your voice a bit to be heard. Just don’t do it in other situations where it’s not necessary.
Don’t force your voice to do things it can’t do.
Your voice has natural limits, so work with what you’ve got!
If you have a low voice, don’t speak like someone with a high voice. It will sound forced, unnatural, strange, and difficult for people to understand. Similarly, don’t try to sound deep if you have a high voice.
This causes tension throughout your body, making it very difficult for your vocal cords to vibrate appropriately so that your voice comes out sounding clear and smooth. Instead, just be yourself! You have a unique voice with its assets, and you should use them to your advantage. If people like your voice, then maybe you should just let them like it!
Don’t be embarrassed or ashamed of the way that your voice sounds.
If you are, it will be difficult to make any changes. There’s no need to force your voice into something it’s not. You can still improve it by using the tips in this blog post, but don’t try to change it completely.
Instead of trying to force your voice into different pitches, focus on the other tips listed here instead. This will help make it easier for people to understand what you’re saying and enjoy listening to you! You can practice with them by recording yourself but not forcing anything that doesn’t feel natural. Relax! Your voice sounds great already.
If you’re feeling uncomfortable with how your voice sounds, that will show in the way you speak. When this happens, people will have difficulty understanding what you’re saying and may even think of you as unintelligent or uneducated because they don’t know what is being said!
Be confident in yourself and positive about who you are from the inside out so that others get an impression of good self-esteem when speaking to you. People will want to listen more intently if they feel like there is something genuinely interesting about listening to someone!
Keeps your vocal cords hydrated.
This is probably the most important thing that you can do for your voice!

Keeping your vocal cords hydrated and healthy will ensure that they vibrate correctly when you speak.
To do that, drink lots of water throughout the day and before you speak.
If you feel like you need to clear your throat, be sure to do it gently so as not to irritate your vocal cords.
Drinking lots of water keeps your vocal cords hydrated and healthy, making them more flexible and able to produce a broader range of sounds.
When they’re dry and stiff, vocal cords are more likely to crack or produce a raspy sound. Make sure to drink plenty of water before and during any speaking engagement! You will thank yourself later.
Another way to keep your vocal cords hydrated is by using a humidifier in your room day and night (or a whole-house humidifier if you live in a dry climate). This will add moisture to the air and help keep your vocal cords healthy and hydrated during sleep and throughout the day!
A third way to keep your vocal cords hydrated is to take hot steam showers. This will help to loosen up any mucus or phlegm that may have built up and is causing you to sound congested.
Don’t smoke or drink alcohol.
It will dry you out and make your vocal cords weaker. Smoking and drinking alcohol will not only dry you out but will also damage your vocal cords over time. If you want to keep your voice healthy and strong, avoid smoking and drinking alcohol as much as possible!
You may not realize it, but the foods that you eat can affect how your voice sounds!
Depending on the food, you may end up sounding a little bit scratchy or deep. Avoid eating acidic foods before speaking so that you can keep your voice sounding as good as possible.
Tomatoes, oranges, grapefruit, and lemons are good examples of acidic foods. Instead, eat more alkaline foods like green leafy vegetables, cucumbers, and watermelon.
If you’re having trouble with your voice, it’s best to avoid caffeine as much as possible.
Caffeine can make your throat scratchy and irritate the vocal cords, making it more difficult to speak clearly and loudly. Avoid caffeine-containing drinks and foods like coffee, tea, chocolate, and energy drinks. If you can’t completely cut out caffeine, try to limit your intake as much as possible.
Stress can also harm your voice.
When you’re stressed, your body goes into ‘fight or flight mode, and the sympathetic nervous system is activated. This can cause your vocal cords to tense up and become stiff, which makes it more difficult to speak clearly and loudly.
To avoid this from happening before speaking, try some relaxation techniques like yoga or meditation! This will help your body relax to produce a clear voice with ease.
Remember: the most important thing is not to get too stressed out about how you sound when talking! The more comfortable you are inside, the easier it will be for others to listen to what’s being said. In other words, keep calm and carry on!
Avoid talking with a nasal voice.
When you speak with a nasal voice, it often sounds like your words come from your nose rather than your mouth. This makes your voice sound less pleasant and more irritating to listen to.
There are several ways that you can avoid speaking with a nasal voice. First of all, try not to put too much tension on your forehead and cheeks. This will help open up your sinuses and allow for better airflow through your nose.
You can also try to make sure that you are breathing correctly. Try exhaling deeply before speaking, and then inhale through your nose as you begin to talk. This way, the air exhaled will have less time to go into your sinuses and nasal passages.
If you’re still having trouble with nasal voice after trying these two techniques, then try to focus on keeping your mouth open while speaking. This will make it easier for the sound to travel from your mouth and out of your nose.
Avoid speaking in a monotone voice.
When you speak in a monotone voice, it often sounds like you’re not interested in what’s being said. This can make your listeners lose interest and tune out quickly.

You can do several things to avoid speaking in a monotone voice. First of all, try to use more facial expressions when speaking. This will help convey the emotions behind your words and make them more interesting to listen to.
You can also try varying the pitch and volume of your voice as you speak. This will add some dynamics and keep your listeners engaged throughout the entire conversation!
Last but not least, practice speaking in different voices. This may not be easy at first, but it will become second nature with enough practice! Try speaking in a low voice, deep voice, high-pitched tone, or whatever else you can think of.
This point doesn’t contradict our advice from earlier about not forcing your voice to do things it can’t do! It means that you should not use the same voice all the time but be able to change your voice to fit different contexts and situations. Try to find a comfortable speaking voice that is natural for you, and stick with it.
Learn to sing.
Singing is a great way to improve your voice because it helps you learn how to control your voice’s pitch, volume, and resonance.
Not only that, but singing also helps you develop breath control and vocal stamina. This means that you will be able to speak for extended periods without getting tired or running out of breath.
Singing helps you learn how to project your voice. This is important because it will allow you to speak more clearly and loudly in any situation!
When you sing, your throat and mouth muscles open up more than when talking. This allows for more airflow so that it’s easier to produce a louder and more pleasant-sounding voice.
Not only that, but singing also helps to improve your diction and articulation. This is because when you sing, your brain is forced to focus on the sound of each letter in a word. This makes it easier for you to hear the difference between each sound when you speak and to pronounce them correctly.
If you don’t know how to sing, there are plenty of online resources that can help teach you the basics. YouTube is a great place to start! There are also many singing classes available in your local community. Just do a quick Google search to find one that’s right for you.
Take acting classes.
Like singing, acting classes can help you improve your voice by teaching you how to control your voice’s pitch, volume, and resonance.
In addition, acting classes also help you learn how to use your voice differently depending on the context and situation. This means that you will adapt your voice to fit different people, places, and events.

When you take acting classes, your instructor will have you speak in different ways depending on the scene’s context that you’re being asked to act out.
This means that they’ll ask you to sound more serious or cheerful depending on what’s happening within the scene.
You’ll be able to practice speaking with a deeper voice for men, as well as projecting your voice so it carries across large spaces!
Also, unlike singing, where each class is about 30 minutes long, an acting class can last anywhere from 60-90 minutes at a time. This means that you will have more opportunities to practice and learn how to project your voice so it carries across large spaces.
In addition, acting classes help improve your diction and articulation just like singing does! This is because when you’re acting out a scene, the brain focuses on each word rather than letting them flow together into one long sentence.
Have a professional voice coach evaluate your speaking style and help you improve it.
Finally, if you want to improve your voice and don’t know where to start, you can always hire a professional voice coach.
Voice coaches are experts in vocal training, and they can help you identify any areas that need improvement and give you specific exercises to do to fix them.
Not only that, but a voice coach can also help you develop a more robust and pleasant-sounding voice.
If you’re not sure where to find a good voice coach in your area, do a quick Google search or ask around at your local community center. There are likely many different options available to you!
A professional coach can help teach you about proper breathing techniques and vocal exercises designed explicitly for improving pronunciation.
They will also help you learn how to use tone, articulation, stress, rhythm, inflection, pitch, volume, resonance, phrasing, fluency, etc… in ways that make your message sound clear and concise. This means no matter what situation or topic comes up during the conversation, you’ll be able to respond in ways that are both engaging and interesting.
Your voice will become more powerful over time! Once your coach has identified the areas you need improvement in, they can help give you exercises designed to improve these specific aspects of speaking.
Once you have practiced these exercises for a while, your voice will become stronger and more powerful.
This means that not only can you project your voice over large spaces, but it also won’t tire as quickly, either! It’ll be easier to sustain speaking for long periods without feeling like your energy is being depleted.
Overall, there are many different ways that you can improve your voice. Whether you decide to take singing or acting classes, have a voice coach evaluate your speaking style, or practice regularly at home, the most important thing is to be consistent and persistent with your efforts.
Your voice will thank you for it!

Lenny Terra is the founder & editor-in-chief. He’s a life coach, software engineer, freelance writer, and has a diploma in Modern Applied Psychology. Lenny has a passion for great living & beautiful design. He is married and is the father of two beautiful girls. His life’s mission is to help people improve their lives, become happier and more productive. This blog is his contribution to that goal and to the empowerment of his readers. Lenny and his family live in Texas with their two dogs.