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The 10 Most Popular Conversation Topics on a First Date

Talking about the right things on a first date can mean the difference between a second date and never hearing from your date again. You want to make sure you come across as interested, engaging, and, most importantly, normal. Here are 10 topics that will help you have a great conversation with your date!

Recent travels.

Everyone has a story about their most recent vacation. Talk about where you went, what you did, and how much fun it was! It shows that you’re well-traveled and have a variety of interests.

Travels are also great conversation starters because you can ask your date about their own travels. This will help you learn more about them and could lead to some exciting stories.

Recent travels

People love hearing interesting stories and adventures that you’ve had in a different part of the world or even just an hour away from where they live. The more interesting and exotic the story, the better. Try to think of a few interesting stories that you can tell, and be sure to ask your date if they have any travel stories.

Even if your date has never traveled, there is still a good chance that they will have some exciting stories to tell about where they’ve lived. Share some of your favorite memories from each place you’ve called home, and ask your date to do the same.

You can also talk about the places you want to go to. Ask your date about their dream vacations and what they would do there! Dreaming about traveling together is a great way to start building a connection. Exotic places like Thailand or Tokyo sound great, but don’t forget that there are plenty of places closer to home as well. 

If you have both traveled, you can share tips on places to go and what not to miss in each city. It is a great way to get the conversation flowing and show off your knowledge about the world.

Your interests/hobbies.

Talking about yourself can be a great way to get the ball rolling on a first date, especially if you’re nervous or shy. Talk about things that make you happy and talk about your passion for them; this will help show off your personality in an authentic way!

If you don’t have any hobbies to speak of, don’t worry! You can still talk about things that make you happy. For example, if you like food and cooking or going out to eat, talk about your favorite dishes and restaurants.

If you’re a fitness enthusiast, talk about your favorite type of workout or how you got into fitness. This will help show off your active lifestyle and give your date some ideas for things to do together in the future.

There are endless topics that you can talk about regarding your interests and hobbies, so feel free to get creative and find a good balance between sharing information about yourself without being too self-centered.

Try to tell stories and anecdotes rather than giving facts and statistics.

This will help you create a more favorable impression of yourself while keeping your date engaged in the conversation. If you keep it fun and exciting, they will want to learn more about you!

Even the most boring hobby can be made into an interesting story. For example, if you knit as a hobby, talk about the time you made a mistake while knitting, and the result was a hilarious disaster.

Don’t forget to ask your date about their interests as well! This will help you learn more about them and could lead to some exciting stories. Keep engaged in the conversation by asking follow-up questions about their hobbies and interests. This will help show that you’re interested in what they have to say.

Remember that people love talking about themselves, so let your date do most of the talking. This will help you learn more about them while also giving you time to come up with interesting things to say. It’s a win-win!

Questions to Ask on The First Date

Movies and TV Shows.

Most people have seen a movie or television show that they love, and it can be a great topic to talk about on your first date. If you are at a loss for words, asking what their favorite movies/shows are is an easy way to get the conversation flowing!

This is also an opportunity to determine if your date is in the same types of shows as you. It may seem like just another piece of information, but this could help determine whether or not there’s chemistry between both parties by allowing them to see if their interests align with each other.

If you’re both into the same show, talk about your favorite episode or scene and why it’s so great. If you disagree on a particular show or movie, that can be a fun topic of discussion as well! It’s always interesting to see how other people view important things to us.

Some people might feel nervous about sharing too much personal information right away, so start with something simple like “What’s your favorite movie?” or “What are some of the shows that you watch regularly?”.

Talking about movies or television shows that you both like can be a great way to get the conversation flowing.

It’s easy because there are endless things to talk about when it comes to pop culture! If you and your date both like Game of Thrones, for example, then you could spend hours talking about what happened in each episode or who is the most annoying character on the show. It doesn’t matter if you don’t watch something regularly either; even just discussing movies that have come out recently will work well too.

Talking about TV shows and movies also helps you learn more about your date’s personality. This can help with future conversations as well since knowing what they enjoy watching will give clues into their interests, hobbies, and other topics that you could discuss.

You can also talk about your favorite scenes in movies or share funny stories that happened while watching TV with friends or family. It’s always fun to reminisce, and talking about pop culture is a great way to do it!

If your date is into different genres than yourself, talk about why they like those types of movies and what makes them so special for them. For example, if your date likes chick flicks, ask them why they enjoy watching those types of films and what they like about them. This will help you get to know them better while also learning more about their interests and hobbies.

If you don’t know anything about TV shows or movies, it’s okay to ask your date what they like watching. This can be a great way to get the conversation flowing, especially if you are nervous about talking too much.

Funny stories from your childhood.

This can be a great way to break the ice on a first date! Talking about funny things that happened when you were younger is a great way to make both of you laugh and show your date that you have a fun personality.

Not only are funny stories enjoyable, but they can also be informative. For example, if you share a story about how you got lost in another city when you were younger, it may tell your date that you’re adventurous or spontaneous.

Funny stories from your childhood

Plus, laughing together establishes a connection and helps release any tension that might be building up. It’s definitely a good thing!

You don’t need to share embarrassing stories either; funny things that happened to your friends or family members can work just as well. Just make sure that the story is appropriate for public settings!

Talking about funny childhood memories is always enjoyable, and it’s an easy way to get the conversation flowing.

It can also give your date more insight into your personality because it shows them what type of person you were when you were younger. For example, if you share a story about how shy and quiet you were at age seven but now are confident and outgoing as an adult, then this will let them know how much you’ve changed (or haven’t) over time.

Even if you don’t share any funny stories, talking about your childhood is a great way to get the conversation flowing and learn more about each other.

Ask your date questions like “What was your favorite TV show when you were a kid?”

This is another excellent way to get the conversation flowing on a first date! It can be easy to run out of things to talk about after only a few minutes, so asking questions like “what did you do for fun when you were younger?” will keep the conversation going.

Not only does this help you learn more about your date, but it also allows them to ask you questions too. This helps build a better connection and enables you to learn more about their interests, hobbies, and family.

Current events.

If you want to keep the conversation going, current events are always a safe topic to chat about. You don’t have to be up-to-date on every little detail, but having a general idea of what’s happening in the world will help you hold a conversation with your date. Talking about politics, social media, and other trending topics will help show off your intelligence and get the conversation flowing.

Try not to get too into debates with your date about these topics; everyone has their own opinion, and you don’t want the conversation to get heated. Keep the conversation at a polite level, and you’ll be good to go. If there are any topics that you’re not comfortable discussing, just let your date know and steer the conversation in a different direction.

Try to find recent interesting and fun facts in the news before the date, so you’ll have something new to talk about.

While current events might not seem like the most romantic topic for a first date, they can be a great way to get the conversation flowing and show off your intelligence.

Just make sure that your opinions on specific topics aren’t too controversial or offensive before sharing them with your date! Common sense is key.

Your family/friends.

If there’s one thing we can all talk for hours about without getting bored, it’s our family members & closest friends.

If you’re feeling uncomfortable or if the conversation starts to die down, talking about your family and friends is always a safe topic. Sharing stories about your loved ones can help build a better connection with your date and let them know more about you.

You can ask your date questions like “What’s your favorite family tradition?” or “Do you have any siblings?”. This is a great way to learn more about their family and see if you two are compatible.

You also can ask your date who were their childhood best friends. When did they start hanging out with the group of people they hang out with now? What was high school like for them? Who is the closest to in their life? These questions can help you get to know your date personally and see if they have the same interests as you.

It can also be interesting to know about the different kinds of families your date comes from.

If your date starts talking about their family, be sure to listen attentively and ask follow-up questions. Showing interest in their life will let them know that you’re interested in getting to know them better.

It can also be helpful to share some stories about your own family and friends. This will help the other person feel like they’re not the only one sharing personal information!

Try to tell stories that are interesting or funny. If you don’t have any exciting stories, tell them about something that happened recently with a friend or family member. If you don’t have any siblings, you can talk about your parents, friends, pets, etcetera.

Telling stories about your closest ones can be a great way to get the conversation flowing and help your date learn more about you. Be sure not to talk too much, though; balance is key! 


If your date is an animal lover, talking about pets can be a great way to get the conversation going. You can ask them questions like “Do you have any pets?” or “What’s your favorite animal?” and share stories about your pets. This is a great way to show your personality and make the date more enjoyable.

People usually have very strong opinions about their pets, so this can be a good opportunity for both of you to learn more about each other. You might find out that you two have a lot in common!

pets stories

You can also talk about the different kinds of animals they would like to have as a pet. This is a great way to learn more about your date’s personality.

Ask your date about their interactions with animals.

Did they ever have a pet when they were younger? Did they ever volunteer at an animal shelter or work with animals?

Also, talking about pets isn’t just for animal lovers! It’s also a great way to get the other person smiling and laughing. Tell them anecdotes about your favorite pet. Funny things they do, how you first got them, etcetera. This will make them feel more comfortable around you and help strengthen the connection between you. 

If your date doesn’t like animals, don’t worry! You can always talk about other topics listed in this article instead.


Food and drink are other great topics to talk about on a first date.

You can ask your date questions like “What’s your favorite food?” or “Do you have a favorite restaurant?”. This is also a great way to show off your personality and make sure they know more about you.

You can also share stories about your food preferences. For example, if they ask, “What’s your favorite ice cream flavor?” you can share a story about the time you went to an ice cream parlor with your family and how you ended up getting a strange flavor.

Another great thing to talk about is how you like your coffee!

If they ask, “Do you drink coffee?” you can tell them about the time you went to a coffee shop with your friends and ordered the strongest coffee they had.

Tell them about your favorite foods and ask them about theirs. If you’re both foodies, this is an excellent way to bond over something meaningful for both of you.

In case you’re not sure what to order at a restaurant or have never been there before, try asking your date for their recommendation!

If you’re meeting for drinks, this is also a great time to ask about their favorite cocktails and wines. If they say, “I don’t drink alcohol”, you can ask them about their favorite non-alcoholic drinks.

This is a great way to learn more about your date’s personality. It’ll also help strengthen the connection between the two of you.

10 Best Things To Talk About On A First Date

Plans for the future.

Talking about your plans for the future is a great way to get to know your date better.

You can ask them questions like “What are your plans for the future?” or “What are your goals in life?”. This is also a great way to see if you two have similar interests and values.

If they share their long-term plans with you, take the time to listen and ask them follow-up questions. Show that you’re interested in what they have to say by asking about how they plan on achieving these goals or their biggest challenges.

This is also a great way to learn more about your date’s personality. You can see how optimistic or pessimistic they are about the future and if they share the same values.

You can share with her your plans for the future as well. If your date is interested in learning more about you, this is a great way to let them know your goals and how you plan to achieve them.

You can also ask her about her short-term goals or plans for the upcoming weekend or month.

This is a great way to see if you two have similar interests and values. It is also a good topic because it gives both of you something concrete to talk about and focus on at the moment.

You can ask her questions like “What are you doing this weekend?” or “What’s your favorite thing to do in your free time?” This is a great way to get her talking and learn more about her.

If she asks you this question, try to give her an answer that isn’t too general. For example, if she asks, “What’s your favorite thing to do in your free time?” you can say, “I really enjoy going to the park and walking my dog.” This gives her a specific activity to ask you more about. You can tell her that you are planning to go for a walk with your dog this weekend and see if she wants to join you.

If you’re stumped about what to say, try to think of something you’re passionate about.

Interesting stories about yourself.

Everyone has interesting stories about themselves, so this is a great topic to talk about on a first date.

Interesting stories about yourself

You can ask your date questions like “What’s the craziest thing that’s ever happened to you?” or “What’s the best vacation you’ve ever been on?”. If they ask you back, be prepared to share an exciting story about yourself. 

For example, if they ask, “What’s the best vacation you’ve ever been on?” tell her about the time you went to Italy with your family and got lost in Florence for hours or the time you went white water rafting in Colorado and almost got thrown out of the boat. You got the idea, right? 

If you go to your date prepared, you’ll have plenty to talk about. This is the best way to make a good impression and keep the conversation flowing. 

If she doesn’t ask you any questions, try to steer the conversation in that direction by asking her some questions yourself. She could be shy, or she might not know what to ask you. 


As you can see, there are many topics to discuss on a first date. These 10 should give you plenty of ideas for conversation starters and allow the two of you to get to know each other better. So what’s your favorite topic?
