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Our team


Lenny Terra is the founder & editor-in-chief. He’s a life coach, software engineer, and freelance writer and has a diploma in Modern Applied Psychology.

He’s the author of the book called How to Be a Better Man: The ultimate guide to becoming the man you want to be.

Lenny has a passion for great living & beautiful design. He is married and is the father of two beautiful girls.

His mission is to help people be a better version of themselves while also providing tips for leading an adventure-filled life full of success.


Matthew Mansour is a professional life coach, fitness trainer, health coach, and blogger with over 800 articles published. He enjoys reading and researching books that reflect the nature of who we are as humans, understanding the complexity of our minds, and using it as an advantage to propel us forward in life.

He is a self-help enthusiast, and he is not ashamed about it! He’s always looking for his next fix of inspiration, motivation, insight, and wisdom from those who have been there before him!

He also does a lot of courses and research on the latest and greatest in self-help, life coaching, and health.

He likes to share his discoveries with anyone interested in listening! His personal goal is to help people achieve great life results, which is why he also has a blog about self-improvement.

He loves animals and currently lives in New Jersey with his loving wife and his recently born child.


Sam Goldman is an Entrepreneurship And Business Life Coach and a blogger who writes about lifestyle and financial topics. He also is a Personal Finance Life Coach.

He has been blogging since 2016 and currently writes for several sites. Sam loves writing about finance, business, entrepreneurship, start-ups, relationships, self-help, lifestyle, love, family, and other important matters to help people through their problems.

He is divorced and has a boy. His posts are always to the point and engaging. He shows his particular personality in his blog posts, researches his topics well, and backs everything up with facts. Sam has published over 200 posts in his writing career, and his blog posts are shared all over the internet.


Marcella Raskin is a passionate and articulate writer who has dedicated her life to studying human potential. She has studied Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Life Purpose Coaching, and Group Life Coaching.

She loves helping women (and men) explore themselves through writing, which allows for exploring one’s thoughts on entrepreneurship or personal development topics, such as mindset-shaping techniques that can positively shape someone’s perspectives about themselves when they don’t think it could ever happen!

She practices sports and has studied Exercise Physiology. She is married and the mother of two girls.


Joanna Perez is a Certified Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Practitioner, a passionate blogger, writer, traveler, wife, and mother of one boy. Joanna loves to share her thoughts on parenting, health, wellness, and lifestyle.

She is a Certified Women Empowerment Life Coach and has completed Life Mastery, Happiness, Health, and Success courses. She also has studied Neuroscience for Parents and took the Skilled Helper Training Course.

She believes in helping people become the best version of themselves and strives to provide quality, informative, and inspiring content. She loves animals, especially her two cats, and can often be found taking photos of them as they pose for the camera.

brenda t

Brenda Tillman is a Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Practitioner, a dedicated mom blogger, and a life enthusiast. She also has completed courses on Parenting Skills, Learning, and Education.

She is married and proud mother of a boy and two girls. She loves being with her family and pets. She has been blogging for over five years now and enjoys sharing her thoughts on parenting, relationships, health & fitness, and other topics that come up in life.


Gabrielle J. Smith is a Human Resources professional, writer, blogger, and mother of three. One of her hobbies is educating herself (and others) about job hunting and resume writing.

She has helped many people throughout her career and continues to share knowledge with the masses to help them gain meaningful employment. One of Gabrielle’s favorite subjects is what she has coined “resume tricks,” and she says there are many of them.

She has been blogging for the last four years, and her advice has been featured on many important sites to help job seekers in their searches. Gabrielle’s advice is always sound and to the point, and she shows no sign of slowing down.


Dr. Rida Batool was born and raised in Pakistan, where she earned her Doctor of Physical Therapy degree from The University of Lahore. Utilizing valuable insights gained from her clinical experience, she has mastered the art of creating authentic and medically accurate yet easy-to-understand content.

Over three years of her career, she has delivered numerous medical articles, case reports, medical product descriptions, and presentations to healthcare professionals.