No matter what your job is, developing good working relationships with your coworkers is key to career success.
When you have strong workplace relationships, you can rely on your coworkers for help and support when needed. This, in turn, will make you a more productive employee. Here are a few tips for building better relationships at work.
Get to know your coworkers.
It can be easy to stay in our little world at work. We sit at the same desk daily, do our job, and then go home. Rinse and repeat.
But if you take the time to get to know your colleagues, you’ll find that your work life is much more enjoyable. Even if your coworkers are not your friends, you may find that you have more in common with them than you initially thought and that you can rely on them for support and advice.
In addition, getting to know your coworkers can help build trust and improve communication.

When you learn more about the people you work with, you can better understand their motivations and how they think. So how do you get to know your coworkers? Start by chatting with them during breaks or lunches. Ask about their families, hobbies, or weekend plans.
Getting to know the people you work with will make going to work much more enjoyable, and you might even make lifelong friends.
If you don’t already know your coworkers’ names, make an effort to learn them. Addressing someone by name is a small gesture that can make a big difference in building rapport.
Be helpful.
It always pays to be helpful. This is especially true when it comes to building strong work relationships. By lending a hand when someone else is struggling, you create an opportunity to forge a stronger bond with your colleagues. If someone drops something, pick it up for them.
Small acts of kindness can make a big impression and create a positive work environment. And, of course, there’s also the fact that helping others simply feels good.
The next time you see someone struggling to meet a deadline or handle a demanding customer, offer your assistance.
You may just find that the favor is returned when you need it most.
When you go out of your way to help others, they are more likely to do the same for you when you need it. So next time you see someone who could use some help, don’t hesitate to offer a helping hand. It could make all the difference in your work life.
Be a good listener.
Listening is one of the most important skills you can have in the workplace. When you’re talking to team members, really listen to what they’re saying. Maintain eye contact and an open mind to express that you are interested in what they have to say. This will not only make the talk more fun for both of you, but it will also contribute to the development of trust and mutual understanding.
When you listen to colleagues, clients, and customers, you not only show that you value their input, but you also collect important information that can help you do your job better.
Good listening also helps build relationships.
People are more likely to trust and confide in someone they feel listens to them. The next time someone comes to you with a problem or an idea, resist the urge to immediately offer a solution.
You should avoid interrupting others, as well.
Ensure that everyone gets the opportunity to speak during meetings and conversations. Equally as vital as speaking is listening, so provide your coworkers the same courtesy you expect from them.
Take the time to carefully hear what they have to say. You may be amazed by how much more effectively everyone will collaborate when they feel heard.
Be respectful.
Respect is crucial in any relationship, and that includes the relationships you have with your colleagues.
One way to show respect is to avoid gossip.
Gossiping about others at work creates an environment of distrust and can damage relationships. If you wouldn’t say something to someone’s face, don’t say it behind their back.
Respecting others also means being mindful of their time and space.
Don’t invade someone’s personal space without permission, and be conscious of the volume of your voice. If you need to have a difficult conversation with a team member, try to do it privately so that others don’t feel like they’re being put on the spot.
Respecting your coworkers shows that you value them as individuals, and it’s essential for building great work relationships.
Be flexible.
In any relationship, there will be times when you need to compromise. The same is true in the workplace. If you’re inflexible and unwilling to budge, it will be challenging to build relationships with others.
For example, maybe you’re working on a project with a colleague, and you disagree about how to proceed. Instead of being stubborn and insisting on your own way, attempt to see things from their point of view. If you can discover a solution that works for both parties, any future collaboration will be a lot simpler. Teamwork requires give-and-take from everyone involved, so being flexible is essential.
Additionally, adaptability is vital when it comes to change. You must be able to adapt to new conditions since the workplace is continuously changing.
It will be difficult to form good connections with people if you are reluctant to change. Instead, strive to accept change and see it as a chance to grow and develop.
Be positive.
No one likes to be around someone who’s always negative. If you want to construct positive relationships with others, trying to see the best in people and situations is essential.
Of course, this doesn’t mean you should ignore problems or pretend everything is perfect. But if you can approach things positively, it will be much easier to build strong relationships.
For example, let’s say you’re working on a project with a colleague, and you have some disagreements. Instead of getting frustrated and accusing them of being wrong, try to see things from their perspective.
They may have some good ideas that you haven’t considered. Or, if you can’t see eye to eye, you may be able to find a compromise that works for both of you.
A positive attitude is also important when things are tough. If you’re going through a difficult time at work, try to focus on the good things in your life. This will help you to maintain a positive outlook and make it easier to build strong relationships with others.
Make time for fun.
Having fun with your colleagues is a great way to build positive relationships. When you enjoy spending time together, it’s much easier to work together and resolve conflicts.
There are lots of ways to have fun at work. You can organize social events, play games, or just talk in the break room. The important thing is to make time for fun, even when things are busy.
For example, let’s say you’re working on a project with a deadline. You and your colleagues are under a lot of pressure to finish it on time.
But instead of working non-stop, you take a break to play a game of ping pong or have a cup of coffee together. This will help you relax and feel more optimistic about the project. And when you’re feeling good, it’s much easier to work together and get things done.
Making time for fun is also vital when things are tough.
If you’re going through a difficult time at work, socializing with your team members can help you to feel better. They can provide support and understanding, and they can help you to see the situation in a different light.
Making time for fun can help relieve stress and build team morale.
Therefore, the next time you feel overwhelmed at work, remember to take a break and do something enjoyable. It may be just what you need to get back on track.
Plus, when you go out for drinks after work, take a lunch break together, or have a coffee chat in the morning, you’re giving your coworkers a chance to get to know you personally. This can help create a more positive and productive work environment.
Be genuine and honest in your interactions with others.
People can usually tell when you’re fake, and they’ll have a hard time trusting you if they feel like you’re not being genuine. To create positive relationships with others, you must be honest in your interactions. This means being open about your feelings, sharing your thoughts and opinions, and listening to others.
For example, let’s say you’re working on a project with a colleague, and you’re not sure about their ideas. Instead of pretending to agree with them, be honest and share your concerns. They might appreciate your honesty, which could lead to a productive discussion about the best way to approach the project.
It’s also important to be patient and understanding when things aren’t as expected.
This doesn’t mean you have to agree with everything someone does. But it does mean giving them the benefit of the doubt and trying to see things from their perspective. If you can do this, building great working relationships with others will be much easier.
So next time you interact with your coworkers, remember to be genuine and honest. It’s the best way to build trust and create a positive working environment.
There will be times when you need to keep things to yourself.
This may be for a number of reasons, such as if you’re working on a confidential project or if you’re worried about saying something that could cause conflict. In these situations, it’s important to be respectful of others and their need for privacy.
For example, let’s say you overhear a colleague discussing a personal issue with a friend. It’s important to respect their privacy and not repeat what you’ve heard to others. Similarly, if you’re working on a confidential project, don’t share details with anyone who doesn’t need to know.
There will also be times when you need to speak up, even if it’s difficult.
For example, if you see someone being treated unfairly, it’s important to say something. This can be difficult, but it’s important to stand up for what’s right.
In general, it’s best to err on the side of caution. If you’re not sure whether or not you should say something, it’s probably best to stay quiet. But if you’re ever in a situation where you feel like you need to speak up, trust your instincts, and do what’s right.
When you need assistance, don’t be scared to ask for it.
Asking for help is a sign of strength, not weakness. It shows that you’re willing to admit when you need assistance and are eager to work together to find a solution. Asking for help is an integral part of building good relationships with others.
For example, let’s say you’re working on a project and you’re stuck. Rather than trying to figure it out alone, reach out to a colleague for help. They might have some great ideas that you hadn’t considered. And even if they don’t, working together to find a solution will help you to feel closer as a team.
Don’t be afraid to ask for help when you need it. It’s a great way to build positive workplace relationships.
Respect other people’s time and energy.

Everyone has to balance their job, family, and social obligations within the same 24-hour period. Therefore, it is crucial to value the time and effort of others. This includes refraining from using intimidation or manipulation to gain an advantage over others.
For example, let’s say you need a colleague’s help with a project. But instead of asking them directly, you try to guilt them into doing it by saying how much work you have to do.
This is disrespectful and will not likely get you the results you want. A better approach would be to explain the situation and ask for their help directly. This way, they can decide whether or not they can help you.
Respecting other people’s time and energy shows care and consideration. It’s an integral part of building positive relationships with others.
Building good relationships with others is vital for several reasons. It can help you feel connected and supported, make your work more enjoyable, and lead to a more productive work environment.
When interacting with other people, it’s important to remember a few fundamentals: be genuine and honest, ask for help when needed, and respect other people’s time and energy.
If you can do these things, you’re on your way to building excellent professional relationships with the people you work with.

Gabrielle J. Smith is a Human Resources professional, writer, blogger, and mother of three. One of her hobbies is educating herself (and others) about job hunting and resume writing. She has helped many people through her career and continues to share knowledge with the masses in order to help them gain meaningful employment. One of Gabrielle’s favorite subjects is what she has coined “resume tricks,” and she says there are many of them. She has been blogging for the last four years, and her advice has been featured on many important sites in order to help job seekers in their searches. Gabrielle’s advice is always sound and to the point, and she shows no sign of slowing down.